Over the past five years, practitioners have been holding free sessions to teach Falun Gong exercises at the school, which has left a deep impression on the school officials. Last year, when a school staff member's mother fell ill, he first recommended that his mother learn Falun Gong and requested Dafa materials to mail to his mother, who lived in another city.
This year, as more organisations participated in the expo, there were not enough booths. The school authorities discussed with us if we would like to change our booth, and we agreed. That morning, when we arrived at the expo, we discovered that our booth was moved to the entrance, so that all people entering the hall would first pass the Falun Gong booth and hear the Dafa music. After getting approval, the practitioners placed large display boards and banners against the marble wall in the corridor.
During the expo, the practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and clarified the truth about Falun Gong. Many people had learned about the persecution in China and wanted to learn more about Falun Gong.
The practitioners presented Dafa materials to every booth. One Chinese acupuncturist said, "We all know Falun Gong is good; I was about to bring my wife to learn it."
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