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We realised the importance of this activity, but we only had three days left. One practitioner had a concern, "Do we have enough time? There are only three days left and we haven't found all the actors yet." Another practitioner answered, "Yes, we can make it. The short play about July 20, 1999 was put on the stage in three days." All the young practitioners participating in this performance gathered to rehearse as much as possible. With pure hearts and minds, we stepped onto the stage after three days.
We were the first to perform. The practitioners performed well, and I felt that even the atmosphere of the university was purified. The audience watched the play intently. When it reached the part where Zhao Ming was released and returned to Ireland, the audience applauded warmly and loudly. At the same time, other practitioners started to distribute truth-clarifying materials, collecting signatures, etc. Many people asked for more information and how they could help.
During the preparation, one practitioner took the responsibility to plan and coordinate, while other practitioners concentrated on the script and the performance. They all wanted to reach the best result in clarifying the truth on the campus. The practitioners were cooperating with each other very well. We will continue our effort to progress diligently to live up to Teacher's benevolent salvation.
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