Japan: Practitioners Travel to Wakayama County to Collect Signatures in Support of the Efforts To Rescue Yoko Kaneko

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Over the past few days, prior to the upcoming visit to China by Japan's Foreign Minister, Dafa practitioners and other Japanese people from across the country have been appealing to the Minister by letter, fax, telephone and email, requesting her to negotiate with Chinese authorities for the release of Yoko Kaneko. In order to call upon more Japanese people to join the rescue effort of Yoko Kaneko and expose the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong, Dafa practitioners from the town of Kinki travelled to Wakayama on Sunday (April 6) to conduct a signature-collection activity.

A practitioner collecting signatures
from passersby
A practitioner collecting signatures in
support of rescue efforts

A Japanese family views our display board

There are not many practitioners in Wakayama County, so the local people knew little about the persecution of Falun Gong. This time, through handing out flyers about the rescue of Yoko Kaneko and the truth-clarifying materials about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China to passersby near Wakayama Railway Station, many local people gained a deeper understanding of the persecution of Falun Gong. Many passersby carefully looked at the display boards that described the facts about Falun Gong, and many of them felt shocked at the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong after reading the truth-clarifying materials. They signed their names on the petition letter. Sometimes many passersby gathered around one practitioner to wait for signing their names. In the six-hour signature-collection, we collected over a thousand signatures.

Practitioners collecting signatures

One of the most influential news agencies, Asahi News came to cover the activity and published a report the following day.

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