The local newspaper "the Leader" covered the opening of the exhibition. The reporter asked questions such as, "What is the origin of Falun Dafa?" "Why do you practise Falun Gong?" "Why is Falun Gong being persecuted in China?" "How is Falun Gong being persecuted?" The local practitioners gave him detailed answers. Some interested Chinese students came to view the pictures. They said they knew Falun Gong was brutally suppressed in China but didn't know how good it was. Many American students were curious about Falun Gong. One rode his bike to the show and wanted to learn the exercises after seeing an advertisement for the event. Another student said he practised Yoga for four years but the effect was not good. Today he discovered Falun Gong and he wanted to learn. The "Pudu" and "Jishi" music also attracted many students and teachers.
The effect of the exhibition was very good. The practitioners understood that their truth-clarification and Fa promotion had not been enough in the past. If we can use every chance, we can let more people know the truth of Falun Dafa and more people can be saved.
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