On April 29th 2003, the Chinese President visited Thailand for an international conference on SARS. It was on this day that Pirjo was arrested and her Visa was cancelled by the Thailand Immigration Office.
The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Ambassador in Thailand delivered an official note to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, requesting an immediate explanation from the Thai authorities. On May 14th, the Swedish Ambassador requested Mrs. Svenssons immediate release. As of May 30th, the Thai government still had not provided an explanation as to why Mrs. Svensson had been detained. Because of this, the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned Thai Embassy representatives to their office in Stockholm.
The Media in Sweden has continuously reported the incident and have highlighted Pirjos innocence. Members of the European Parliament, human rights organisations in various countries, and the Swedish people have all written many letters to the King of Thailand, the Prime Minister, and the relevant government departments to appeal for Pirjos immediate release.
As a result of Thai government officials receiving strong pressure from the Chinese government, an erroneous decision was made to not allow Pirjo Svensson appeal in court. After her 37-day detention, she was released and personally escorted by the Swedish Ambassador to the Airport.
Pirjo Svensson arrived at Gothenburg Airport at 11am on the 6th of June where her relatives and friends warmly welcomed her. After her arrival, she and the Swedish Falun Gong Information centre held a press conference at the Airport.
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Despite the Thai governments decision, Mrs. Svensson did not complain about Thailand, as she was aware that the Jiang regime is the chief offender in persecuting Falun Gong.
In her statement at the press conference, Mrs. Svensson said that Despite the fact that I have been unfairly treated in Thailand and lost my freedom for 37 days, I still love Thailand and the Thai people. If my suffering could be allow the Thailand government and its people to realise the truth about Falun Gong and see clearly the facts of Chinas brutal persecution of so many kind people, each minute of my 37 days [detention] was worthwhile. What I have experienced makes me even firmer in my resolve to tell the people of the world the truth about Falun Gong and how Falun Gong practitioners are being horrifically persecuted in China.
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Translated from Chinese at http://yuanming.net/articles/200306/21124.html
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