State of Illinois
House of Representative
May 29, 2003
The Honorable Members of the
Illinois Congressional Delegations
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Members:
We are writing today to urge that the U.S. government vigorously support the suit by Falun Gong practitioners against Jiang Zemin and the Falun Gong Control Office (a.k.a, the "6-10 Office") filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
Here in Illinois we have experienced a pattern of actions directed at Falun Gong practitioners whose only purpose could be intimidating these individuals and interfering with their lawful and peaceful activities. If you ask "who gains?" from this pattern of activity, the only possible answer is the Chinese government in its attempt to silence Falun Gong.
We cannot allow any foreign government to presume to determine how Americans will exercise their constitutional rights. Such a presumption must be resisted most vigorously. To allow any foreign power such license is to make all of our rights hostage. The lawsuit by the Falun Gong practitioners defends not only their rights in this country, but the secure possession by all Americans of their rights.
Certain crimes in their enormity demand that all decent people speak out. The attempt by a brutal tyrant through brainwashing, torture, rape and murder to compel tens of millions of his own peaceful people to give up their beliefs is disgusting. Our own humanity demands that we condemn these crimes against humanity.
The lawsuit by Falun Gong practitioners holds Jiang Zemin and the Falun Gong Control Office accountable for their crimes. We must all hold Jiang Zemin accountable, and we may do so through support of this lawsuit.
We ask that you join us in such support, and do all in your power to support the legitimate demands of the Falun Gong practitioners for an end to the brutal persecution they suffer in China and the harassment and intimidation they face here in our own country.
Arthur L. Turner
Deputy Majority Leader
State Representative
9th Legislative District
Mike Boland
State Representative
71st Legislative District.

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