Victoria Province Falun Dafa Association spokesperson Dr. Michael Smith read out a press statement. The Statement stated that "Eight Falun Gong practitioners represented themselves and all persecuted Falun Gong practitioners filed a lawsuit against Jiang and "610 Office" in October 2002 with the charge of anti-humanity, torture, and genocide. The lawsuit revealed the systematic persecution imposed upon Falun Gong practitioners in China. International Anti-Genocide Convention stipulated that a head of state who commits genocide cannot enjoy sovereign immunity. Moreover, Jiang is no longer the head of state, so after Jiang is put on trial, the plaintiffs will have the legal jurisdiction over the defendant Jiang.
"China signed the 'Anti-Genocide Convention' on June 18, 1983 and China should obey the rules in the convention. However, the crimes committed by its former president, the "610" Office' and other governmental departments and high-ranking officials regarding the suppression and persecution of Falun Gong have seriously violated the convention, and have actually committed the crime of genocide."
"Jiang's regime also mobilised the country's propaganda machinery and Embassies and Consulates around the world to launch a systematic anti-Falun Gong propaganda. Most of the Chinese people in schools, work units, governmental organisations and outside China have been involved in the slander campaign due to fear of being retaliated against by Jiang's regime. Falun Gong practitioners cannot go to school, work or live a normal life. Numerous families have been broken up, countless people have become destitute and homeless to avoid the persecution. Millions of Falun Gong practitioners cannot live a normal life. This completely conforms to the third definition of 'Genocide' stipulated by International Criminal Court."
Reporters and cameramen had interviews with several Falun Gong practitioners in the rain. A practitioner from China said that she was once illegally imprisoned for over a year when she was in China. Not only practitioners suffer persecution, their family members, relatives, friends, colleagues and leaders are all likely to be implicated.
Several media organisations including Herald Sun, Epoch Times, NTD TV, Voice of Hope Broadcasting Station came to cover the activity in the rain.
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