Ms. Wei Xingyan, a female postgraduate student who was in her third year of studies, specialising in "High-voltage Power Transmission" was arrested when she was clarifying the truth in the school campus. A policeman from the Bai He Lin Labour Camp at the Sha Ping Ba district raped her in front of onlookers on the evening of May 13. Since she was a female postgraduate student, and was raped by police, and even worse raped in front of onlookers, the nature of this case was very vile and it had widely attracted attention from the public, who demanded that the Chongqing University authorities step forward to protect their student and severely punish the assailant. (see Reference Note 1)
I am a Chongqing resident. I immediately made a phone-call to the Postgraduate Students Institute of Chongqing University, and was notified that the University authorities had posted a serious announcement on its official school website "to refute the rumour" (see Reference Note 2). They believed that someone overseas with ulterior motives had fabricated the incident to defame Chongqing University. On the Chongqing University website, a joint statement by both the Protection and Security Section of Chongqing University and the Electrical Engineering College of Chongqing University was also posted, claiming that there was no such student named Ms. Wei Xingyan, and neither did the "High-voltage Power Transmission" exist, and that there was no such incident of a Ms. Wei Xingyan being raped. (see Reference Note 3)
Is that because the Falun Gong practitioners had made a mistake regarding her speciality? I thought that it would become clear if I went to the Chongqing University website and took a look. The university authorities may have played with words. We understand that at the university, students will usually simplify the names of some specialities for the sake of convenience. For example, people usually simplify "Biochemistry" as "Biochem", or "Nuclear Science and Technology" as "Nuclear Physics". If Chongqing University played such a game of words as saying that a "Computer Department" is different from a "Department of Computer Technology and Information Science", it is really shameful for them to use this excuse.
So if we check and find the offered specialities directly related to "High-voltage Power Transmission", we can tell who is actually lying. What is the truth? I cannot say with certainty, but after you read the details of my research, you can come to your own conclusion.
The result of my research on June 6, 2003 is as follows.
First of all, I went to the Chongqing University website http://www.cqu.edu.cn and found the "Electrical Engineering College" at http://www.cee.cqu.edu.cn. After I clicked on it, the page showed that the administrator had just updated the page on June 6. On the newly updated web page, the "important message" section was blank. There were six departments listed under the "Departments Subordinated to the College". The department related to our research must be the "High-voltage and Insulation Technology Department". So I thought that the speciality of either "High-voltage Power Transmission" or "High-voltage Transformer" must be under this department. I clicked on the department, and there only a blank window popped up! When I researched the code, I found that the URL for the six departments underneath were empty i.e. they were linked to nothing.
I emailed the website administrator via [email protected]. On the website, they also use this email address as the email for the college's Dean. I told the administrator that I could not read the URL for the specialities. The quick response said that the mailbox had been overloaded with emails, and my email could not get through. As of the time when I started writing this article, the website had remained in this state for 36 hours.
So then the section of "Admission Information" on the website should at least tell people what specialities the university actually has? Otherwise how can the students enrol themselves for the examination? So I clicked the "Admission and Employment" section. How unbelievable it was! "No web page can be found" (see Reference Note 4). This page has simply been deleted.
I then went to the section on "Different Departments", where only the authorised specialities that honour post-graduate and doctoral degrees were listed. There was no detailed introduction of the specialities.
Could it be because that the Chongqing University website was very poorly run? I tried some other specialities, including liberal arts specialities, the web pages for which were very colourful, including not only the introduction of the specialities and departments, but also the detailed explanation of the specialities. The section on "Admission Information" was also plying every effort to "perfect" itself, so as to better impress and recruit talented students. Even the "Physical Exercises Department" was like this. However, the web page for the "Electrical Engineering College", which is a very important college of Chongqing University, and has a long history and solid academic strength, did not match these other departments' web pages!
My efforts were finally rewarded. Those who resort to deception will eventually give themselves away. Since Ms. Wei Xingyan is a postgraduate student, I went to the upper right corner of the main page and found the "Postgraduate Students Institute". After entering, I clicked the "Admissions Office" and there came up the "Brief Introduction of Admission". It was wonderful. When I read "Chongqing University 2003 Brief Introduction of Postgraduates Admission and specialities Index" see (Reference Note 5), on the last line, there quote a line "For details, please download the file in word document."(see Reference Note 6)
After I opened the Word file, I found the "Electrical Engineering College" and the twelfth speciality underneath is obviously "High-voltage Direct Power Transmission and Imitation Technology", its supervisor is "Mu Daohuai". It is very reasonable for the long term "High-voltage Direct Power Transmission and Imitation Technology" to be shortened and referred to as "High-voltage Transmission Power". The Electrical Engineering College denied this term in the statement it issued, and also dared not let people read this speciality in its own web page (remember that when clicked, only a blank page popped up). Didn't that show that they had a guilty conscience?
It is now clear that Chongqing University has deleted from its website all information related to "High-voltage Transmission Power", and the "Electrical Engineering College" simply turned the introduction of its specialities into blank pages, and the "Admission Information" turned out to be a page that cannot be found.
And as to this "Brief Introduction of Admission", it was left undeleted since it is a file that can be downloaded in a Word document, and could hardly be checked and searched from the website by using keywords.
In order to conceal a very depraved case of a female postgraduate student being raped by the policeman in public, Chongqing University went so far as to delete the speciality of "High-voltage Transmission Power" from its website and then claimed that there was no such a student. The university has really gone too far by taking these actions.
Among the several men or women who received my phone calls, none of them denied the existence of this speciality. Neither did they deny there was a student whose name is Ms. Wei Xingyan. They only asked, 'how could the police rape her?' I mentioned that if the deputy governor of Jiangxi province, Hu Changqing, could receive a bribe and do something bad, how could a poor-quality policeman not dare to do anything wrong? When they said the government would not lie, I replied that if Zhang Wenkang, the ex-Minister of the Ministry of Health could even tell lies to the whole world, why would the petty government officials in Chongqing University dare not lie? Upon hearing this, they would hang up the phone.
One ought to really suspect that Chongqing University deleted the speciality to conceal the rape, which makes me extremely sad as both a Chinese citizen and a resident from Chongqing.
Dr. Jiang Yanyong from the "301 Hospital" dared to step forward and tell the international community that the ex-Minister of the Ministry of Health Zhang Wenkang was lying, which gave the Chinese people the opportunity to learn about the truth, and so as to control SARS. I hope that more of those who know about the facts about Ms. Wei Xingyan being raped, including her supervisor and classmates, can step forward. Helping her at present amounts to helping yourself later on so that this kind of tragedy will not happen again to your own families.
Reference Notes
(In order to avoid Chongqing University again deleting or changing the information, please find the pictures and the Brief Introduction of Admission in Word file attached for your reference)
Ms. Wei Xingyan, a female postgraduate student of Chongqing University was raped by a vicious policeman from the Bai He Lin Labour Camp of Sha Ping Ba District (Attached please find the telephone numbers) http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/6/2/51467.html
The Statement made by Chongqing University on the main page of its website
The Announcement made by Chongqing University on the main page of its website
The deleted "Admission Information" web page
Chongqing University 2003 Brief introduction of Postgraduate Students Admission and specialities Index

Detailed Information of Chongqing University 2003 Brief Introduction of Postgraduate Students Admission and specialities Index

Page One of the Brief Introduction of Admission

The speciality of "High-voltage Direct Power Transmission and Imitation Technology" was in page 48 of the "Brief Introduction of Admission"
After reading the report on Epoch Times about Chongqing University deleting and changing the university speciality, I found in the "Brief Introduction of Postgraduate Students Admission" in its word file the speciality of "High-voltage Direct Power Transmission and Imitation Technology". In order to take precautions in case Chongqing University might still delete the evidence and change the relevant documents, we here supply articles about this speciality from three different websites from Google searches. Due to the very strong function of Google website snapshots, the content of the web pages can be stored in Google's own database. That is to say, even if the website deletes the pages, you could still find it in the snapshots in the Google database.
The three web pages about the speciality of "High-voltage Direct Power Transmission and Imitation Technology of Chongqing University" are respectively as follows:
1) Postgraduate Admission Information of "Online University"

The screen copy 1-1

The screen copy 1-2
2) Postgraduate Students Admission Index of Chongqing University

The screen copy 2-1

The screen copy 2-2

The screen copy 2-3
3) 2000 Postgraduate Students Examination Index of Chongqing University in West-China Education Net

The screen copy 3-1

The screen copy 3-2
From the results of the search, the speciality of "High-voltage Direct Power Transmission and Imitation Technology" belongs to "Electrical System and Its Automation," which has an annual admission of 18 students. The supervisor teachers include Zhou Jiaqi, Sun Hongpo, Wang Guanjie, Mu Daohuai, Xiong Xiaofu, Cai Deli, Lu Jiping, Cheng Gang, Liu Heping and Yang Shunchang.
Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/6/8/51845.html
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