Diary from the "610 Office" Brainwashing Centre -- "With All His Might, the Policeman Whacked Me on the Head with a Police Baton

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A few Falun Gong practitioners and I were kidnapped and taken to the local "610 Office" where we were detained in their brainwashing centre. [The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems].

Lao Li, who had just been kidnapped and detained, said, "I was arrested by the local police when I went to Beijing to appeal. At that time, they tied me to the bench. The police slapped me hard on both sides of my face. At that moment, my entire face went numb. I had bad teeth and wore dentures. The force of the slaps knocked out my dentures and knocked loose the good teeth that were used to secure the dentures. Finally, the policeman used all his might and whacked me on the head with his police baton. My body started to twitch and I was not aware of the condition my face was in. I only felt that the fluids in around my brain were squirting out and fluid trickled down my face. But I was firm in my belief in Teacher, and knew that I would definitely be all right. Perhaps my condition was very terrifying; the policeman who had hit my head wore a look of horror. He cast a glance at the other policeman and quickly walked away. The other policeman came over and untied me. I stood up unsteadily with the thought in my heart that Teacher will protect me and that I must not let Dafa practitioners be defeated. With all my strength, I clutched the wall for support and walked towards the outside. I could not see anything clearly with my eyes. Right after I stepped out of the interrogation room, two people wearing white gowns lifted me onto a stretcher and carried me to the clinic. They tied me to the bed and inserted an IV. I knew in my heart that if it was not for the protection of Teacher I wouldn't have been able to stay alive at all."

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/6/13/52157.html

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