6-10 Office
Name List of Over 9,000 Agents from 610 Office Submitted to 38 Countries
2021-03-21Falun Gong practitioners in 38 countries have recently submitted a name list of about 9,300 agents from the 610 Office at all levels in China to their respective governments. Practitioners request that their governments sanction these perpetrators of human rights abuses as well as their family members by barring them from entry and freezing their assets.
15,235 Falun Gong Practitioners Targeted for Their Faith in 2020
2021-01-19While China was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, its ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has continued its persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline also known as Falun Dafa that is based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
Reporting the Crimes of Former Liaoning 610 Office Head, Jiang Qingming
2019-11-03This report exposes the crimes committed by Jiang Qingming, former deputy director of Liaoning Province 610 Office, against Falun Gong practitioners during his tenure between 2015 and 2017.
Puppets of the 610 Office: How the Chinese Court System Persecutes Falun Gong
2014-09-17For the last 15 years, the Chinese Communist Party has been leading an oppressive persecution of the peaceful spiritual practice Falun Gong, resulting in the unjust incarceration of countless Falun Gong practitioners in prisons and forced labour camps. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) was established on June 10th, 1999, for the specific task of implementing the persecution nationwide.
Publicity Department Director Arrested on Orders from Political and Legal Committee and 610 Office
2014-08-19Ms. Li Tong is the Publicity Department Director of the Benxi Women's Federation, a highly placed position. After she was arrested for exposing an illegal trial of Falun Gong practitioners, the police tried to use the loss of her job as leverage against her. She was told, “It would be a shame to lose such a good job. Why don't you just give up Falun Gong?” Li Tong firmly refused, and is still detained today at the Benxi Detention Centre.
School Children Targeted for Brainwashing by the 610 Office in Guangxi Province
2014-07-27The “Youth Education Centre Against Heretical Organisations” was established in Baise City, Guangxi Province, in May 2014. It is another way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brainwashes school children into being against Falun Gong. Videos, audios, window displays, books, bulletin boards, charts, and pictures slandering Falun Gong and its founder are employed. Dongjing Central Elementary School held a signature assembly on April 16th. Teachers and students were to sign a pledge slandering Falun Gong.
Chongqing 610 Office Accelerates Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in September-October 2013
2013-11-19The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) established by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accelerated the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in September and October 2013 in Chongqing. According to incomplete statistics, Chongqing authorities have arrested, harassed, and imprisoned 66 practitioners in September and October this year. Fifty-four practitioners were arrested, had homes ransacked, or were taken to a brainwashing centre. Five were sentenced to prison terms during four trials, six practitioners were harassed, and two were forced to leave home to avoid further persecution.
A Practitioner's Son Dying from a Brain Tumour, the 610 Office Continues to Persecute Him
2013-11-13Because Mr. Tian Fengcheng practises Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes him. Three years ago he was sentenced to prison. He wasn't allowed to visit his injured wife and sick son during that time. When Mr. Tian was released from prison on April 25th, 2013, he went home to a severely injured wife and a son with brain cancer. The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) ordered him to attend a brainwashing session, but because his son was severely ill, he didn't go. The 610 Office had him arrested again on September 16th, 2013.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Agents in Shanghai Employ Cunning Tactics to Force Falun Gong Practitioners to Undergo Brainwashing
2013-11-13The 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Shanghai has been arresting Falun Gong practitioners and taking them to brainwashing centres. To hide what is going on, they often change the location of the brainwashing centre. They also use deceptive means during the sessions. The Baoshan District 610 Office started a brainwashing session in mid September 2013 and called it a class on arranging flowers and cooking. The session actually includes activities like singing the songs that praised the Communist Party and watching videos that slandered Falun Gong.
Gu Siping, Director of 610 Office in Yangpu District of Shanghai, Harasses and Threatens Practitioners
2013-08-06Gu Siping, director of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in the Yangpu District of Shanghai, has kept Falun Gong practitioners under surveillance and persecuted them for a long time. He has harassed and threatened practitioners in residential areas. He has also sown discord between practitioners and their families. He boasted, “I will fight with Falun Gong until the end.” Many practitioners have been subjected to mental torture and persecution as a result of his orders.
Fangchenggang City 610 Office Personnel: “Falun Gong Has No Freedom”
2012-11-23Ms. Chen Guilian was arrested on October 21st, 2012 and taken to the brainwashing centre operated by the Fangchenggang City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Ms. Chen went on a hunger strike to protest the detention. She was released seven days later. Her relative called Lan Hong, head of the 610 Office, while Ms. Chen was detained in the brainwashing centre. Lan Hong furiously said, “Falun Gong has no freedom. Chen Guilian is under my monitoring.” She blurted out the truth that the 610 Office is an illegal organization that specializes in persecuting Falun Gong.
Shandong Jiaonan 610 Office and Public Security Attempt to Unjustly Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-10-23On March 6th, 2012, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Qibing was arrested for sending out Falun Gong material exposing the persecution. The police raided his home and confiscated his computer, printer, and informational materials. He is being held in Jiaonan Detention Centre. During his first hearing his family noticed that he had a problem walking. He and all the other practitioners were handcuffed and shackled. Families were not allow to visit them after their arrests.
Marking June 10th - China's 610 Office - Policing the Chinese Spirit
2012-06-22What is the 610 Office? How and why did it come to exist? Why is it carrying out measures ostensibly under the purview of the Ministry of Public Security? The 610 Office is named after the date of its creation: June 10th, 1999. “Six-ten” functions outside the state system without any official standing. At its core, the 610 Office is a plainclothes Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-based extra-ministerial security force focused on suppressing the Falun Gong spiritual group. The leading group sets the policy direction, which the 610 Office executes.
As Two Physicians and a Teacher Finish Their Unjust Prison Terms, 610 Office Plots to Continue Persecuting Them
2012-05-09Three Falun Gong practitioners—Ms. Qi Shuyan, a physician; Ms. Yan Xihua, a teacher; and Ms. Wang Yuzhuo, a physician were due to finish their prison terms around late April/the beginning of May 2012. Shuangyashan City 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) contacted Ms. Qi's family and forbade them from picking her up from Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison in Harbin City. The agents attempted to take her to a brainwashing centre to continue persecuting her.
Zhou Yongkang: One of the Leading Persecutors of Falun Gong
2012-05-05The current Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Political and Legislative Committee secretary, Zhou Yongkang, is a member of the Central Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, and also the current head of the so-called “Central Committee Leading Group for Handling the Issue of Falun Gong.” This committee was set up by the CCP under the leadership of Jiang Zemin for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong.