It has been eight months since American Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Charles Li was illegally detained on a visit to China in January 2003. According to the latest information, Dr. Li has been subject to cruel persecution in jail for refusing to give up practising Falun Gong. The tortures used on him have escalated.
In order to rescue Charles Li and to stop the persecution as soon as possible, the Global Rescue Team in the U.S. proposed and coordinated this "Rescue Month" around the United States from Aug. 13 to Sept. 13.
Falun Gong practitioners in Texas will participate in this "Rescue Drive" around the United States by starting from Houston, Texas and touring Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas. Along the way, they will collect signatures from the public, accept interviews from media and visit local government officials. By clarifying the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong to city governments, media and society along the way, they are calling for kind people to pay attention to Chinese government's persecution of Dr. Li and to help him return to his home in the U.S. as soon as possible.
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