Clarifying the Facts in the Process of Filing the Spanish Lawsuit Against Jiang

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On the 13th of October I went to Madrid in connection with the lawsuit that was being filed at the Spanish International Court, where decisions are made in cases of genocide and crimes against large groups etc.

On the day after my arrival, I joined two practitioners in contacting the Swedish embassy in Madrid to tell them about the lawsuit, the persecution of Falun Gong in China and how China has extended the persecution to foreign countries. An example of the latter is in Sweden, where the Chinese Embassy attempted to stop a Swedish radio programme called “Falun Gong Time”. After explaining the facts to them, the staff wanted to know more and also wanted to attend the press conference that was to be held the day after the lawsuit was officially filed.

At 10am on October the 15th, the lawyer Carlos Iglesias and six complainants handed in a lawsuit against China’s ex-dictator Jiang Zemin and the leader of the “610” office Luo Gan, charging them with crimes of genocide and torture. At 11.30am, a press conference was held at the Intercontinental Hotel, which lasted for about two hours. Many journalists came to the conference. The plaintiffs in the case include Ms. Zhang Cuiying, an artist who was held in a labour camp in China for eight months, and Ms. Dai Zhizhen, whose husband was tortured to death. A Spanish citizen told his story at the press conference, about how he was beaten and imprisoned after appealing for Falun Gong on Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in November 2001. Many journalists didn’t just ask for information about the lawsuit, but were also interested in hearing more about what Falun Gong is.

On October the 16th, practitioners gathered at Plaza Espana, a park located in central Madrid. They demonstrated the exercises in front of a large fountain, which left a lasting impression on passers-by. Many people stopped to ask for information about Falun Gong and at the same time seemed to enjoy the harmonious atmosphere.

On Thursday the 17th, practitioners held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese embassy in Madrid and during the time discussed and shared understandings about the progress of the global lawsuits.

Translated from Swedish at

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