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The lawsuit has fifteen plaintiffs, which are Falun Dafa practitioners from Asia-Pacifica, North America, and Europe. They represent the tens of million of Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China.
The complaint mentions that the persecution of people who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is the most serious genocide in history, not only because the number of victims is large, but also because the method of persecution is also evil. The aim of the evil is to eradicate Falun Dafa worldwide.
Jiang is the chief criminal in planning and implementing this persecution. He has personally ordered the formation of the Gestapo-like 610 Office to systematically carry out his orders of defaming their reputation, bankrupting them financially, and destroying them physically. As a result of these orders, thousands of people have been persecuted to death or have been cruelly tortured. Tens of thousands of families have been broken apart. The victims of the persecution are not solely one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners, but also the family members of these practitioners. This adds up to several hundred million people.
Luo Gan was directly appointed by Jiang Zemin as chief of the 610 office, a terrorist organisation specially formed for the persecution of Falun Gong. The 610 Office has been granted power over all levels of government and has been given large financial support. Luo Gan carries out Jiangs orders. He illegally captures and detains Falun Gong practitioners, sends them to labour camps, and psychiatric hospitals. There has thus been many people persecuted to death. The crimes of the 610 Office are comparable to that of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany.
Mr. Carlos Iglesias pointed out that, Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan should be held responsible for the terrible crimes that they have committed. No regime can be used to cover up the crimes of torture and murder that they are committing. They will be brought to a just trial.
Falun Gong does not have any political motive. Falun Gong practitioners only want to elevate their morality through cultivating Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, becoming better people. Mr. Iglesias said, So, the persecution is indeed more evil and more shameless than any other in history, because its aim is not only to eliminate Falun Gong, but at the same time, to entirely destroy human morals.
Mr. Iglesias commented that, Anyone who appeals to government departments in China will immediately be detained and imprisoned. This proves that the Falun Gong victims of the persecution cannot find justice by legal means. A trial to bring the persecutors to justice cannot be held in China. Facing the victims and their families who are completely deprived of the right to a defense, all moral countries and people who respect and protect human rights have a responsibility to implement international law to bring these shameless criminals to trial. Thus, those criminals who have not been punished will, instead of remaining out of the reach of law, be caught in the net of justice, so that they cannot continue to massacre people and make millions of families in China suffer.
Mr. Iglesias also said; We raised this criminal trial in Spain because Spain is one of the countries that first started carrying out universal jurisdiction. Like the previous cases filed against both the dictators of Argentina and Chile, we strongly believe that the Spanish legal system will not keep silent while facing these cruel and violent crimes that Jiang and Luo Gan have committed. We cannot forget that they also force children, women, and the elderly to suffer. They ask only for justice. Millions of people are persecuted, tens of thousand people are tortured using brutal punishment, and almost a thousand people have been persecuted to death. Voices that appeal for justice and appeal for an end to the persecution echo in our hearts.
Mr. Iglesias said that the lawsuit is not against China or its people. Everyone should clearly recognise that the lawsuit is aimed at those unforgivable criminals who have committed terrible crimes. The purpose of the lawsuit is also to awaken peoples justice and conscience.
The plaintiffs directly exposed the facts behind the persecution via their personal experiences. The precious Chinese people are also victims of the persecution. Spanish people have the right to know the truth behind this persecution. The hope is that numerous innocent Chinese people will receive justice and salvation, because this will make the world more righteous and kinder.
Translated from Chinese at http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200310/25152.html
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