The "Cycle Around the Island Rescue Trip" started from Zhongzheng Memorial on the morning of October 28. Twenty Falun Gong practitioners divided into east and west lines. The press conference before the trip attracted many reporters from different media agencies, and the reporters all actively interviewed practitioners and asked many questions on why Falun Gong was persecuted in China. After practitioners talked to them, many of them understood the truth of Falun Gong. The "Protect Taiwan Human Rights, Stop Tyranny Signature Drive" signature collecting cloths that were set up around the event site became the focal points of the reporters' cameras. Three members of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan, Mr. Guo Tiancai, Pang Jianguo and Li Jiajin also showed up to offer support.

The East line will pass through Taipei, Chilong, Ilan, Hualien, and Pingtung and will meet with the practitioners of the west line on November 10.
The first stop passed through the South Port District. We visited the district manager and clarified the truth of Falun Gong to him.
It was a long trip. It was especially hard for the aged practitioners when climbing a slope; however they tried hard to keep up with others. During the trip, practitioners encouraged each other and formed one body. Along the route, many people expressed their support.
When practitioners reached the first stop, they got to Chilong Port to join local practitioners' signature drive. The effect was very good. When the news of Lin Xiaokai's release reached there, the people there all shouted with joy. Practitioners knew that the support of the Taiwanese people had made the early release of Lin Xiaokai and the signature drive a very meaningful event.
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