Dafa Practitioners Who Tried to Appeal Through Legal Channels are Tortured and Murdered

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In June 2001, the 4th Team in the Fuyu Labour Camp illegally detained 80 Falun Gong practitioners. The labour camp forced practitioners to watch videos containing deceptive propaganda, attempting to break the practitioners' will. At the same time, they also ordered collabourators [former practitioners who have renounced Falun Gong under pressure and now assist in the persecution] to interfere with practitioners, and they also pressured practitioners' families saying "no transformation, no bail" [meaning if practitioners do not give up Falun Gong, there is no way for them to get released].

On June 18th, 19 practitioners launched an appeal, emphasizing that Falun Dafa is a righteous way, that cultivating Falun Dafa is no crime, and announcing that the labour camp should release all detained practitioners immediately.

During the morning of June 19th, the police set up plastic chairs along the floor and forced practitioners to come down from their beds and squat on them as a form of torture, but no one complied. Team leader Jia Weijun shouted orders to the criminals saying, "Beat them up for me if they don't come down. I'll handle it if anything goes wrong." The criminals then dragged the Dafa practitioners and even beat up a practitioner who was over 60 years of age, but not one practitioner cooperated with them. At noon, many practitioners went on hunger strike to appeal against their violent treatment. The police interrogated them overnight, but the practitioners solemnly pointed out that the criminals are committing a crime when they beat up practitioners. So the labour camp "admitted" that it was wrong to beat practitioners up and they announced that all criminals who beat Dafa practitioners will have their sentences extended for 3 months. Yet within 3 months, the criminals who beat Dafa practitioners up were all released.

On the 20th, the police sent practitioners Zhang Xiaochun and Wang Baoxian to the detention centre followed later by Pan Benyu. The Fuyun Labour Camp has detained 4 practitioners from Qiqihar City for extended periods of time. In June 2002, Wang Baoxian was tortured to death . Pan Benyu is still in custody.

Later, team leader Jia Weijun said during a meeting, "You guys make trouble [He calls practitioner's legal appeals as making trouble]. I will make up evidence to report to the higher ups. I would say that I am fulfilling Jiang's order to crack down on you financially." As a result, Dafa practitioners who were detained in Fuyu Labour Camp were arbitrarily persecuted for their legal appeals, and two out of the four who were sent to detention centres have been mercilessly tortured to death.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.cc/mh/articles/2003/10/26/59535.html

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