Being an autonomous territory of Denmark, Greenland, populated mostly by Eskimos, is a rather independent territory in the North American Continent. Greenland has a population of 50,000 and is an area 50 times as big as Denmark. Nuuk, the Capitol of Greenland, is only 300 Km from the North Pole.
Between October 17 to 26, four Falun Dafa practitioners traveled to Nuuk to introduce Falun Dafa to the people there.
On the afternoon of October 17, the first three practitioners arrived at Nuuk Airport, which is maybe the smallest airport in the world. When we got off the plane we were welcomed by icy cold winds. The first question that occurred to us was how to spread Falun Dafa under such conditions. We did not have the slightest idea.
We settled down in a house close to the sea. The icebergs of different sizes floating in the clean, unpolluted waters made a truly unique Arctic scene.

Practitioners Perform the Exercises
October 18 was a bright sunny day, the good weather lasted for eight days. It seemed the early winter weather had been turned back for a little while. The good weather brought good conditions for us to spread Falun Dafa in the streets. It lasted until we left Greenland. Just four days later, when I wrote this report, I received an email from my friend in Greenland telling me that it was now very cold there and the snow had fallen.
Picture Exhibition in Culture Exhibition Center
On October 18, we first went to the biggest activity center -- the Culture Exhibition Center. Even though we did not make an appointment, the Director of the Center welcomed us and offered two days of exhibition space. He also promised to put out posters in the Center and contact media and broadcast activity information through the local radio station on our behalf. What a smooth start! We at once contacted another practitioner who was still back in Denmark to have him bring photographs to display. In the meantime we also visited the media to arrange interviews.
The photo exhibition started in the afternoon of October 18. Our exhibition was composed of two main themes: The history of the spreading of Falun Dafa in China and the truth of Jiang Zemin's persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners in China. When the Center opened its doors, many people came to look at the pictures and talked to practitioners. Almost everyone signed the appeal letters.

The Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition
We started to do an exercise demonstration. Before the end of the first exercise, many people lined up in front of us and started to follow our movements, so we started to teach them the exercises immediately.
At that moment, a reporter from a TV station came and videotaped the precious moment. The report in the event news made us known to residents. We were welcomed on the street all the time from that point on.
The two-day photo exhibition and exercise teaching were a huge success. We decided to extend the exhibition two more days to provide a good environment for those interested people. This time, the director of the Center offered free space to us.
Lovely children gathered around us all the time. Maybe because of their pure hearts they were the most enthusiastic group. During those days, the children put on I support Falun Gong yellow buttons we gave them and followed us everywhere to practice with us. They remembered the exercises and we have become good friends. On the last day of the exhibition we gave our exercise music tape to the children. Only after they took down our contact information did they reluctantly leave.

Children take the exercises seriously
Compassionate Greenlander
Throughout these activities, what touched me the most was the kindness of the people of Greenland. Maybe it is because Greenland is situated in a remote area that the degradation of human moral values has little effect on the people. The people of Greenland are compassionate, pure, and kind. They treat everyone genuinely without suspicion. I have not seen this kind of social atmosphere for a long time.
The first contact with the residents:
It was noon of the second day that we arrived at Nuuk. When we stepped out of the office of the local newspaper, we were greeted by bright sunshine and by the local people who were enjoying the beautiful day. We had brought a few flyers we us so we decided to take advantage of the good weather to spread Falun Dafa to the people. We placed the flyers and petition forms on the ground in front of us, and we began to do the exercises to the music.
We were soon surrounded by people. They picked up the flyers and read them. One young girl pointed to Zhao Ming's picture [A practitioner from Ireland who was arrested in China whilst visiting his parents] and asked, "Is he still in jail?" I told her that throughout Europe, many people are appealing for his release. People began to voluntarily circulate the petition forms and to sign their names on it. There was no need to explain or elaborate; truthful hearts are so easily connected to Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. While we were still practicing, the number of signatures increased steadily. Even though we only brought one signature book, there were 140 signatures within that short time of one and half hours. This speed (of collecting signatures) was maintained throughout the subsequent days of activities. The weather was not of any consequence, whether it was a good, sunny day or a cold day.
One lady said, "Welcome to Greenland." Another lady said, "I will talk to the politicians and ask them to help you."
Promoting Falun Dafa to citizens of Nuuk on the streets
Then groups of children started to learn the exercises, either voluntarily or by the encouragement of their parents. Even an elderly woman threw down her crutches and joined us.
Since then, we held many Hongfa activities on the streets. Quite often, when we were about to leave, people would still come and ask whether they could sign the petitions. As one woman signed her name, she said, "Our hearts are with you."
We were also exposed to people of different social status in Nuuk. The people, regardless of the social strata they belonged to, treated everyone with respect. For example, we had little understanding of the local government and did not contact the local government beforehand. With no exception, we were welcomed each time whenever we contacted the government and the media. They would go out of their way to fulfill our requests without delay.
While we were at the Greenland Radio and TV, they all reported our activities in a positive way. In one incident, a reporter of the local newspaper was unable to do the interview with us due to sudden illness. So, they sent out another reporter who did a thorough interview. The story was published after we left Greenland.
The president of Greenland Amnesty International is a renowned non-governmental organization activist. We had heard of him while we were in Denmark. Before we had the opportunity to visit him, he came to greet us on the second day of the photo exhibition and invited us to be his guests at his home (see part three of the report).
As Dafa practitioners, we evaluate the people and the society based on xinxing (moral standard, mind nature). The people of Greenland, with their sincere hearts, created an atmosphere of purity and joy for practitioners. Immersed among them, our hearts felt more pure. We all sensed that the pureness of the people of Greenland will bring them happiness. The kind people deserve to be saved.
Quite often we were asked, "Why do you come to Greenland to introduce Falun Dafa?" The answer was clear. The cosmic law has arranged this predestined relationship - the people of Greenland obtained the Fa through us. We gained a deeper understanding of Teacher's benevolence and arrangement. We felt the sacredness and the magnificence of our responsibility as Falun Dafa practitioners.
Delivering Falun Dafa materials to the local government
On October 22, the Cultural Center was closed. We used that time to spread Dafa and to clarify the truth to the government officials. We only prepared one set of materials. We tried to meet the secretary of the Chairman of the government. Upon learning of our intention, the secretary accepted our information and promised to pass it to the Chairman. Due to conflict in schedules, the Chairman could not meet with us at that time. However, the secretary took note of our contact information and promised that she would try to arrange an appointment for us.
Then she suggested that the Falun Dafa materials be distributed to seven members of the government. We were so happy to follow her suggestions.
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