On January 30, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners from Colorado and New Mexico participated in the annual Snowdown Light Parade held in the town of Durango, located in southwest Colorado.
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Practitioners took part in this parade for the first time. In order to let more people learn about Falun Gong, the practitioners made a light-bedecked float, including light lotus flowers and light banners. Three Western practitioners demonstrated the exercises on the float, attracting great attention from the spectators, and the rest of the practitioners handed out Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in the cold.
The parade of lights was hosted by a civil organization. When the practitioners applied for the permit in the beginning, they were not approved. After Western practitioners' explained the facts about Falun Gong, the practitioners finally received approval two days before the parade started. New Mexico practitioners drove for seven hours to attend, and helped make the activity a great success.
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