Recently, a high-level "610 Office" from a certain region issued an urgent decree, ordering all "610 Offices" below the county level to return all documents and material evidence related to the persecution of Falun Gong since 1999, in an attempt to destroy evidence related to those who ordered the persecution of Falun Gong.
Jiang's group has been persecuting Falun Gong for more than four years, during which time countless Falun Gong practitioners, their families, friends and colleagues were targeted and suffered various losses. As Jiang's group tries to destroy the evidence in trying to escape punishment, can they also undo the anguish and torment they caused Falun Gong practitioners and their families and friends?
Even now, some local government officials are still carrying out wicked acts without realising the implications of their actions. For example, right after the 2004 Chinese New Year, some high-ranking officials in Zhejiang Province called a meeting with local officials to discuss a "secret document" issued by the central government. The document said that Falun Gong truth clarification materials and videos appeared all over the province, which shocked departments at various levels from the county, city, and provincial governments to the central government. They made a list of the names of ten "important and active" Dafa practitioners and several hundred other Dafa practitioners. They also demanded the local governments and agencies to closely monitor determined Dafa practitioners. These agencies are also required to turn in a summary report on the persecution of Dafa practitioners. This in turn places pressure on the local governments to persecute Dafa practitioners.
For the past four years, the central "610 Office" routinely issued orders orally or required that orders with the original documentation be returned after being read, to destroy evidence of the persecution. Now they are furthering their effort to destroy the evidence of their crimes.
To those carrying out the persecution, if your superiors retrieve all of these documents, you will not be able to prove that you were only following orders in persecuting Falun Gong. You will be brought to justice sooner or later and be tried for your crimes. It will be too late for you to show regret when your superiors make you the scapegoats for the persecution. For the sake of your own futures, it is our sincere hope that you will atone for your crimes before it's too late!
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