Recently, a French practitioner wrote to Franck Marlin, Member of Parliament for Essonne and Mayor of Etampes, complaining about the unfair treatment Falun Gong practitioners received in Paris at the end of January. The MP replied saying that he completely agreed with the practitioner and thinks “we should give human rights higher priority than economic benefits.” His complete reply is as follows:
Republic of France
Freedom, Equality and Fraternity
French Parliament.
Franck Marlin
MP of Essonne
Major of Etampes
Paris, February 11th 2004
In your letter on Feb 3rd, you reminded me of the persecution that Falun Gong practitioners are enduring and the chain of events that Hu Jintao, the Chinese leader, brought during his visit to France.
You know my stance on this issue, and I completely agree with your feelings in regard to the other issues you raised.
Falun Gong is not regarded as a cult in France and I think because of that, the government should have authorised this peaceful parade and given a higher priority to human rights than economic benefits.
I will not forget to pass my thoughts on this to Nicolas Sarkozy, Minister of Domestic Security and Local Freedom.
Thank you for the enclosed materials and your good wishes and please convey my best wishes to your family.
Sir, please accept my best wishes.
Franck Marlin
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