Mr. Wang Jihua was born on June 9, 1964, and was a resident of Zhucheng City, Shandong Province. In the Xinghualu Substation, because he firmly believed in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance," he was brutally tortured multiple times by police officer Cao Jinhui, among others. On February 25, 2004, he died at home; wounds covered his body.
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Mr. Wang was born into a poor family. He did a lot of hard work in small coalmines when he was young, which damaged his health and caused him numerous physical pains. Seeking medical treatment also made his family even poorer, and they never found a cure. He started practising Falun Dafa in November 1995. All the physical pains that he had before were relieved. He felt strong and healthy. People in Tieshui Village all witnessed this change. Many others started practising Falun Dafa after they saw his dramatic turnaround.
After Jiang and his regime started persecuting Falun Gong, Mr. Wang was monitored closely. Wang was detained in a hotel for 11 days starting on July 19, 1999. He went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but the Appeals Bureau in Beijing changed from a place for citizens to voice their concerns into a place for Falun Dafa practitioners' to be arrested. After being arrested at home, Mr. Wang was brutally beaten by police officers Cao Jinhui, Zhu Wei, and Yuan Wei, among others (from the city police station) in the Xinghualu Substation. These police beat him down to the floor, kicked him, beat him with a wooden stick, shocked him with an electric baton, and whipped him with a leather belt. Several police officers stepped on his body with their boots, pushing his head, hands, and feet against the floor. Pieces of his clothes that were bloodstained were left on the floor. He passed out from the severe pain. Police poured cold water on him, then continued the torture. In the end, they locked him in a meeting room in the village, and told his family to send food to him every day.
Wang Jihua's wife Lin Lianghua is a kind-hearted farm woman. When she saw her husband, she was so shocked. Wang Jihua was laid on a table, coagulated blood clumped together his hair, and he was soaked with blood. His clothes stuck to his body, and he could not stand up at all. Yet, Village Secretary Song Yuzhang was ordered by police to tell Lin Lianghua to pay 8,000 yuan (1) to get her husband released. She borrowed money, and had her husband home after 30 days of detention.
In March 2001, two police officers from the Xinghualu Substation together with Village Administration lured Wang Jihua to the Village Office under false pretenses. He was closely watched by two unknown people. Wang escaped from detention, and became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being wrongfully arrested at home. On May 28, 2001, Wang was arrested again in one of his fellow practitioners' homes. Police officers Cao Jinhui, Zhu Wei, and Wang Jun, among other took him to Guo-an Hotel in Zhucheng City (this place is owned by police, and has become an evil den in which Falun Dafa practitioners are tortured). First, they forced him to sit on an iron chair (2) for several days, then illegally detained him in the Zhucheng Detention Centre for more than one month. They refused to release him, and then detained him in the Xinghualu Detention Centre for more than 20 days. Wang Jihua escaped again, and became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being wrongfully arrested at home once more.
In January 2002, Wang was reported on when he was in a fellow Falun Dafa practitioner's home in Dagaodongfu Village. He was again brutally tortured by police officers Cao Jinhui, Zhu Pengde, etc. Police sentenced him to a labour camp, and tried to send him to the Changle Labour Camp. The labour camp refused to accept him because his poor physical condition, which was due to police torture. He was then sent back to the Zhucheng City Detention Centre. Because he firmly kept his faith, villains tortured him even worse. He was sent to the Wangchun Labour Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province in April 2002.
Wang Jihua never gave up his faith while in the Wangchun Labour Camp. Only a few days later, Village Secretary Song Yuzhang told his wife Lin Lianghua, that Wang Jihua was in the Zibe No.148 Hospital. Lin Lianghua hurried to the hospital, and found Wang was very pale with clumps of blood in his hair, and wounds on his head. There were several big scars on his head, and there were several purple coloured bruises on his forehead. He was only skin and bones, he had urinary and fecal incontinence, and was mentally a vegetable. She questioned medical employees and plain-clothes police around her, as to why her husband was dying, when he was perfectly fine before they arrested him? They could not answer her. Lin Lianghua had to arrange to take her husband home on April 20.
Falun Dafa practitioners took turns taking care of him. Falun Dafa saved him once again. Wang slowly recovered. He could sit up, and stand up, although his response time was very slow, and he suffered from headaches and leg pains. The auhtorities still would not leave him alone. On the evening of December 23, 2003, around 8 p.m., two police officers from the Xinghualu Substation came to harass him, and tried to make him write a "guarantee statement" (3). Wang absolutely refused.
On February 24, 2004, at 1 a.m., Wang fell into a deep sleep, and left the world around 4 p.m. on February 25, 2004.
Those villains like Cao Jinhui in Zhucheng City tortured many kind Falun Dafa practitioners. Because of them, countless practitioners were illegally detained, sent to labour camps, and even tortured to death. Ms. Yang Guizhen died on a torture device called the "iron chair." Ms. Ma Yanfang died in a mental hospital after being abducted, and now, Mr. Wang has also died as a result of their torture.
We carefully investigated the details of how Wang Jihua was tortured to death, and submitted the names of all persons involved in this incident, and the evidence to the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong."
(1) yuan: the Chinese currency; the average monthly pay of an urban worker is 500 yuan.
(2) "iron chair": a torture device made of iron pipes. A victim is restrained on the iron chair with both arms and legs tied down for a long period of time. See illustration on
(3) "guarantee statement": a statement to declare that he or she is remorseful for practising Falun Gong and guarantees not to practise Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.
Chinese version available at
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