7 November 2001
Honoured ...
Allow me to thank you in the name of President of the Republic for your letter of 2 November 2001 in which you invite the President of the Republic to the press conference of the Falun Gong movement taking place in Prague.
I am sorry that I have to advise you that the President of the Republic will not be able to comply with your request.
I assure you that the President of the Republic and the Office of President of the Republic carefully observes the tribulations of the members of the Falun Gong movement and generally the situation in the field of the human rights in the People's Republic of China.
I believe that the applicability of the human rights values is not limited only to so called western civilisation [ ], and that is why we must not give them up universally. The President of the Republic expresses his disagreement with the practices of the Chinese communist regime at suitable opportunities at home and foreign forums.
[..] I thank you again for your invitation and wish you many successes in your work.
With greetings
Mr Pavel Fisher
The Director of the Political Committee
Prague Castle

Mr Pavel Fisher personally hands the letter to a Falun Dafa practitioner
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