The following are some of the torture techniques used in Zhangshi Reformation Camp:
Torture Method I: Sitting in a Line
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The brigade that receives new detainees is using this torture technique in Zhangshi Reformation Camp. It is used to force detainees to confess and to report on others. In the torture methods known as "Sitting in a Line", the person in the front sits on the floor with his or her legs pressed tightly together and feet pushed up against the wall. The person behind sits on the floor with legs spread apart and chest pressed tightly against the back of the person in front. They are arranged in a line with each sitting behind the other. The guards would shove the back of the person sitting in the back to make sure everyone is crunched together. The eyes of the person in the back must stick closely to the back of the head of the person in front of him or her. One session of sitting could last 6 to 8 hours, from 6 pm after supper till midnight, and sometimes until 2 am the next morning.
During "Sitting in a Line", detainees were only allowed to sleep if they reported on other people. Regular prisoners and Falun Dafa practitioners were mixed together in one line. Regular prisoners who could not bear such torture would make up stories to confess. During a session in May 2001, a regular prisoner made up a story, claiming that he knew a Falun Gong practitioner and some things about what this person did. Falun Dafa practitioner Li Changbin (Shenyang City), who tried to refute the lies, was called to the office of Director Xu and shocked with an electric baton.
This torture technique appears mild but is actually quite harsh. Because of the long period that the victims are squeezed together, their bodies become very hot and uncomfortable.
Torture Technique II: Flying Sparrows
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This torture technique was created in the Newly Established Brigade in Zhangshi Reformation Camp. It is being used to force detainees to confess and to report on others. Regular prisoners were lined up together with Falun Dafa practitioners. In "Flying Sparrows", the front most person bends forward with his or her head toward the wall, with legs separated and the heels lifted off ground, and with arms pushed upward behind them. The person in the back is made to put his or her head under the legs of the person in front of them and make a gesture of a "flying sparrow" at the same time. The guards would then force the detainees to report on other people. If one's gesture does not fit the guard's standard, he or she would be kicked or shocked with an electric baton.
In this torture, the toes suffer the most. The whole body is pushed forward. The head of the person in the front most position bears a great force. The headache is unbearable. The torture usually lasts about 30 minutes before it becomes unbearable.
Torture Technique III: Standing Planks (Also called "Fish Sleeping Sideways")
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This torture technique is being used in the Newly Established Brigade of Zhangshi Education and Reformation Camp, Shenyang City and the Shenyang Detention Centre. Regular detainees and Falun Dafa practitioners were subjected to this together.
The "Newly Organized Brigade" of Zhangshi Education and Reformation Camp has many detainees but very limited space. At night, the detainees are forced to lie down sideways while pressed tightly next to one another. The prison heads walk from one end to the other and make sure that everyone is squeezed together tightly. If a person gets up to go to toilet, he will not be able to get in the bed again because the space will be taken. All the people on the bed are covered with one worn-out, hole-ridden canvas.
Torture Technique IV: Bent-Up
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This torture technique is being used in Zhangshi Education and Reformation Camp and Longshan Education and Reformation Camp, Shenyang City. It is frequently used in forced labour camps. The body is bent forward with the head hanging downward, the legs spread apart, and the arms are pulled up from behind.
Nearly every Falun Dafa practitioner held in Zhangshi has been subjected to this torture. In November of 1999, in Longshan Education and Reformation Camp (it was called Longshan Forced Studying Class at that time), Falun Dafa practitioner Zhong Hengsheng, who has since died as a result of the persecution, was subjected to this torture. He was forced to stay in this position for the whole morning. The brigade leader asked the regular prisoners to watch Mr. Zhong. If he moved from this position, the convicts would beat him with bed planks.
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