Attempts to Conceal Details of Practitioner Tortured to the Verge of Death

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[Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province]

According to reliable sources, guards in team one at Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp have tortured a male practitioner to the verge of death. This practitioner is receiving emergency treatment now. The labour camp fears that their vicious behaviour will be exposed and are imposing a strict information blockade. No one is currently being allowed to visit the practitioners. The situation is urgent!

Cell phone of Li Yong, the leader of team one of Shijiazhuang Labour Camp: 86-13303219583.
Hebei People's Hospital: #348 Heping West Road
Switchboard: 86-311-7046996
Office (country code: 86; area code: 311): 7044821, 7827275, 7833070, 7833944, 7834025, 7834026, 7835704, 7816345, 7818898, 7839842.
Hospital Administrative Office: 7044932


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