Mr. Su Huili from Hebei Province Died in 2001 from Persecution

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Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Su Huili was from the Baoding Area of Hebei Province. He recovered from a terminal illness after practising Falun Dafa. After the persecution began in 1999, local officials repeatedly beat Mr. Su, and he was not able to continue practising Falun Dafa. His illness returned, and he died in May 2001.

Before his started practising Falun Dafa, Mr. Su Huili was diagnosed by the Baoding Hospital of Contagious Diseases with hepatitis and ascites of the liver. He went to Beijing's No. 302 Hospital for treatment but to no avail. He also tried various Chinese medicine treatments, which also failed. His medical expenses ran into the thousands of yuan each year. He became emaciated, and his family started preparing for his funeral. When he was on the brink of death, someone recommended that he read "Zhuan Falun" [the main text of Falun Dafa]. After studying the teachings and cultivating his mind for three months, he gained weight and recovered completely.

Between July 7, 1999, and his death in 2001, other officials followed Jiang Zemin's orders to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. They unlawfully arrested Mr. Su and held him in custody several times. Jia Weiguo, Mu Haizhan and other officials cruelly beat him each night. His family had 1,800 yuan extorted from them. Because he was no longer able to continue practising, his illness resurfaced. Mr. Su, at age 29, died from the persecution in May 2001.

Chinese version available at

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