Two Women Falun Gong Practitioners from Guizhou Province Die in the Persecution in 2000 and 2003

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Ms. Wang Biyu was a retired worker from the Duyun City Food Company in Guizhou Province. She began the practice of Falun Gong in 1993. Soon her illnesses all went away. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, she had remained firm in her belief in Falun Gong. As a result, she was interrogated, arrested, and detained by local police on many occasions.

On the night of November 29, 1999, the local police broke into the homes of Wang Biyu, Yi Songhua, Liang Zhengfeng, and Zhou Yu and ransacked them. The police took away their Falun Dafa books and personal property, and arrested these practitioners. At the police station, the practitioners were interrogated for 24 hours, nonstop. The police forced them to sign a "monitored residence agreement" (which stated that they must report to the police and get approval whenever they wanted to go out of town; otherwise they would be considered criminals on the run and could be arrested) before releasing them. Even after Wang Biyu returned home, the police often came to harass and threaten her and her family. As a result, her old illnesses recurred. She passed away on July 7, 2000, at the age of 64.

Ms. Hu Deming was a director at the Duyun City Industrial and Commercial Bank in Guizhou Province. She used to suffer from severe neurological illness. After witnessing her husband's health improve after practising Falun Gong, she also began to practice Falun Gong in 1998. Soon her own illnesses also went away. After the persecution began in 1999, her husband, Du Guilin, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in February 2000, and was sentenced to forced labour and detained in Tianjin City. She had to struggle between work and taking care of her young daughter, all by herself. As a result, her old illnesses recurred.

After her husband was released, the local police often came to their home to harass them. One night in February 2002, the police deceived her husband into going to the police department to have a talk. However, the police detained her husband in a detention centre and later sentenced him to three years of forced labour. Later, her husband walked out of the detention centre. In September 2002, her husband was arrested again for making truth-clarification materials. He was sentenced to eight years. While being detained in Guiyang Detention Centre, he was brutally beaten by police and one of his eyes almost went blind due to the beating. Her husband's bitter encounter greatly saddened Hu Deming and her health condition worsened. When she was on the verge of death, she requested to have her husband come back home, but was rejected.

On April 11, 2003, Hu Deming passed away.

Duyun City Police Department Chief: 86-854-8260368, 86-854-8222119
Duyun City Police Department Deputy Chief: 86-854-8229595, 86-854-8249110
Commissioner: 86-854-8223337
Duyun City Police Department Division One police: Yan Ronggui, Huo Zhenshan, Qin Xiaochun: 86-854-8222026,86-854-8253027

Chinese version available at

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