Three Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners, Ms. Huang Qiaolan, Mr. Wang Yuheng, and Mr. Wang Zhankui, Have Died as a Result of Persecution

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Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Huang Qiaolan was 58 years old and lived in Shanghai City. On November 20, 2001, she was arrested by security guards while passing out truth clarifying materials (1) and detained one year at the Luodian Detention Centre. Her family paid nearly five thousand yuan (2) extortion money in order to rescue her. Finally she was sentenced to three years imprisonment (November 20, 2001 to November 20, 2004). After she returned home, the local "610 Office", (3) police, and Neighbourhood Administration continually harassed her and threatened her at her home. She was twice abducted and sent to brainwashing classes. Ms. Huang Qiaolan was severely hurt both mentally and physically, and the doctor found her suffering with late stage lung cancer. She died on October 29, 2004.

Mr. Wang Yuheng was 73 years old, and was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province. He used to have heart disease, high blood pressure, and had suffered a stroke. All his illnesses were eliminated after he started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1995. After July 20, 1999, local police came to his home to confiscate his Falun Dafa books, and they told him that he was not allowed to practise Falun Gong. His workplace Party Secretary had many talks with him, brainwashed him, and forced him into writing a "guarantee statement" (4) to stop practising Falun Gong. In June 2004, his old diseases came back, and he died.

Mr. Wang Zhankui was 70 years old, and was a Falun Dafa practitioner in Tieling City, Liaoning Province. All of his illnesses were cured after he started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. The local police kept harassing him after July 20, 1999, and they extorted one thousand yuan from him. His two daughters were arrested and sentenced to forced labour. They served their terms in Masanjia Labour Camp in Shenyang City. Due to the stress of all this persecution, his stomach cancer and oesophageal cancer came back and he died on June 18, 2003.


(1) Clarifying the Truth: Because of the nationwide persecution of Falun Gong in China, and the fact that the unrelenting hate -campaign carried out by China’s state-controlled media, Falun Gong publish and broadcast nothing but false and slanderous reports about Falun Gong and cover up the brutal persecution taking place in China, practitioners inside and outside of China have been actively engaged in what is referred to as "clarifying the truth" – explaining to the public the facts about Falun Gong and exposing the evil persecution. Truth clarification activities include face to face conversations with people, posting notices and posters, handing out flyers, and hanging banners explaining the truth about Falun Gong. Outside of China, where Falun Gong is freely practised, practitioners further expose the persecution in China through anti-torture re-enactments, art exhibits, Internet websites, books, magazines, newspapers, movies and letter writing. The goal of clarifying the truth is to help people understand what Falun Gong is and, to raise public awareness and support, in order to dispel the lies of the current communist regime in China and to raise public support to to bring about the end of the persecution. (Variations: "clarifying the truth", "truth clarifying", "truth-clarifying", "truth clarification", "truth-clarification", "clarifying the facts", "clarified the truth", and "clarified the facts")

(2) "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

(3) "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

(4) "Guarantee Statement": A statement to declare that one is remorseful for practising Falun Gong and guarantees not to practise Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.

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