Reenactment of Torture Methods in Fangzheng County Detention Centre

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1. Striking Eyeballs with Finger, Piercing Fingers, Toes, Back, Head and Face, Striking Ribs, Striking Throat with Shoes, Beating the Head, Pulling Beard and Kicking

Directors of Fangzheng Detention Centre, instigated criminal offenders to torture Falun Gong practitioners. The torture methods were: 1. Striking eyeballs. 2. Piercing fingers, toes, back, head, face and other places. 3. Striking ribs. 4. Striking the throat with shoes and hitting the head. 5. Pulling the beard. 6. Kicking while forcing practitioners to bend over. (Reenactment figure 1)

Reenactment figure 1

2. Extensive Brutal Beatings with Whip and Strap

Police heads interrogated using torture, and beat practitioners brutally with a whip and strap for three to five hours. Dafa practitioners were beaten until they had cuts and bruises over their whole bodies, and suffered extreme pain everywhere. (Reenactment figures 2 and 3)

Reenactment figure 2 Reenactment figure 3

3. Kicking Table

Police interrogated a practitioner by torture. They brutally beat him, forced him to stand and hold the legs of an upside down table. They then kicked the table suddenly, making him fall down. They also hit his head with a watermelon that his mother brought to him. His mother was scared to tears. (Reenactment figures 4 and 5)

Reenactment figure 4 Reenactment figure 5

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