On April 9, 2005, the Falun Gong Club at National Chiao Tung University participated in the university's anniversary celebration. The university provided booths for the various clubs and organisations on campus. Practitioners decorated their booth with banners and displayed Falun Gong introductory materials. They cordially introduced Falun Gong and explained the facts of the persecution to students and visitors.
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People interested in Falun Gong stop by the booth and ask for more information |
A series of activities including an alumni reunion and a career fair took place during this year's Chiao Tung University's anniversary celebration. The activities attracted numerous people to the campus. In the hallway where the clubs and organisations' booths were set up, a constant stream of people passed by. People with an interest in Falun Gong stopped by and asked for more information. Among them, there were high school students, little girls, families visiting the campus and students from other clubs and organisations. Some borrowed the book Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa] to read. When the president of the University passed by the practitioners' booth, he also stopped, looked at everything in the booth and read the words on the banner out loud: "Falun Dafa." A staff member who is in charge of the students' clubs and organisations also came to visit our booth. She has supported Falun Gong from the very beginning. This time, she took some introductory booklets and video CDs and also borrowed a copy of the book, "Night Story on Medicine" authored by Falun Gong practitioners.
An elderly gentleman who lives near the campus came to visit the anniversary event. Because he often watches programs broadcast by Mainland China's CCTV and believed the lies about the "Tiananmen Square Self-immolation" spread by CCTV, he asked many questions when he came to the practitioners' booth. Practitioners patiently explained to him that Falun Gong has spread to more than 60 countries in the world and has brought physical and mental health to millions of people. They told him that Falun Gong has received more than 1,300 awards proclaiming its virtue and the benefits it has brought to people and society. Unfortunately, on the other side of the strait, in Mainland China, just because there were so many people practising Falun Gong, practitioners who persist in their belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" have suffered brutal persecution over the past nearly six years. Jiang's regime has fabricated many lies against Falun Gong in order to justify its persecution.
The practitioners realised that even in Taiwan, where the society generally recognises Falun Gong positively, there are still some people who are misled by the Jiang faction's lies. Practitioners felt that they needed to work even harder to bring the truth to people, especially those people who pay more attention to what is happening on the Mainland.
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