Mr. Yang Jinyu from Hebei Province Dies After His Wife is Tortured to Death

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Mr. Yang Jinyu from Dingxing County, Hebei Province passed away on February 17, 2005, two years after his wife was tortured to death. His 56-year-old wife, Mrs. Xiong Fengxia, was tortured to death in the brainwashing centre of Liyu Township on October 13, 2002. When she died, her body was covered with bruises and wounds. There were forty-three wounds on the front of her body, and her wrists had deep gouges left by the chains she was hung up with.

Prior to July 20, 1999, when Jiang's regime started persecuting Falun Gong, Mr. Yang Jinyu and his wife Mrs. Xiong Fengxia were both Falun Gong practitioners. After starting their Falun Gong practice, they both saw their serious, lifelong health conditions disappear without the aid of medication. They became healthier and their family grew more harmonious. The communist regime's persecution later totally destroyed this family.

On February 20, 2002, Mr. Yang Jinyu was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre. Because he could not bear the torture, he was forced to admit to false statements fabricated by his persecutors. After admitting to these untrue charges, he was then held in a detention centre, where he was persecuted even further. On October 1, 2002, Mrs. Xiong Fengxia, along with others, eighteen practitioners in total, were arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre by members of the county 610 Office (1), the police department, and lawless officials from Gucheng Township itself. When Mrs. Xiong arrived at the Brainwashing Centre, a number of the thugs employed there rushed up to her and beat her down to the ground. As they did this, they clamoured insanely, "We will beat you until you're ready for the crematorium."

During the following thirteen days, those thugs used every torture technique they could think of to persecute Mrs. Xiong. They hung her up by her wrists and then beat her with rubber batons, wooden clubs, and other pain-inflicting instruments. They beat her so badly that she could neither eat nor move. Other practitioners had to carry her to use the toilet, and her urine was red with blood. Even after these ruthless officials had inflicted this suffering upon her, they accused her of malingering and forced her to go on runs with the other practitioners. Because her legs were so injured and painful that she couldn't even stand up, these thugs forced two men to hold her up and force her to run. When she could no longer move at all, they tied a rope around her waist and dragged her to force her into motion. On October 13, 2002, Mrs. Xiong Fengxia died from the brutal persecution that had been inflicted upon her.

The following afternoon, Mr. Yang Jinyu received the tragic news that his wife had died in the detention centre. To avoid responsibility for their terrible actions, Shi Tianyuan, the director of the 610 Office in Dingxing County, and Li Wenxiu, the head of the Political and Judiciary Committee of Gucheng Township, lied and said that Mrs. Xiong had died of heart disease after emergency attempts were made to save her life. To try to keep things quiet, these men promised to drop the charges against Mr. Yang and arrange an official job for his son. They then tried to prevent family members from investigating her death, for fear they would discover the truth. Mr. Yang Jinyu insisted on seeing his wife's body. After four or five days, county officials finally allowed him to see his wife for the last time. After this, these corrupt officials lied to him, saying that they would have to apply to the Provincial Government to arrange his release. On November 8, 2002, Zhang Jun, the Chief of the Judiciary Section of the Police Department, deceived Yang Jinyu by telling him he would be taken back to his home, and then proceeded to drive him to the forced labour camp in Baoding. Because Yang Jinyu's blood pressure was so high when he arrived (245), the forced labour camp refused to accept him.

Yang Jinyu was so distraught and horrified by what led to his wife's death, the fact that there was nothing he could do to set things right, and the realization that the depraved officials would now use his false confession to torture him even further, that he became despondent. He started smoking and drinking. On February 17, 2005, he died from heart disease.


(1) "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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