Practitioner Ms. Wang Aihua's Life is in Danger

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Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Aihua from Qiqihar City in Heilongjiang Province has been arrested twice and tortured many times for practising Falun Dafa and following the principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance" to become a better person. On March 7, 2003, she was sentenced to eight years in prison and sent to the Heilongjiang Women's Prison located in Harbin City. In the prison, Ms. Wang was tortured again resulting in several heart attacks. Her life is in danger. Another practitioner named Huang Liping from Qiqihar City was also seriously tortured inside the women's prison.

On September 13, 1999, the local community council put Ms. Wang under house arrest. On October 16, 1999, they sent her to a detention centre. Around October 20, the director of Qiqihar City's No. 2 Detention Centre, Li Youqui, beat Ms. Wang with a whip until her hips turned purple. Around November 10, Ms. Wang and some other practitioners were taken to the basement of a hotel where they were forced to do the exercises while being photographed. Later on, the photos were used as evidence against them.

On December 7, 1999, Ms. Wang was sentenced to one year in prison and sent to the Shuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Qiqihar City. It's impossible to recount the number of serious beatings that Ms. Wang experienced inside the camp. Later on, the camp extended Ms. Wang's detention term by more than 11 months without any reason. All together, Ms. Wang was detained for twenty-three months.

On the night of April 15 of 2002, police officers arrested and tortured Ms. Wang. They handcuffed using the torture called "Carrying a Sword on the Back." They cuffed her hands behind her back with one hand being pulled back over the shoulder and the other one pulled up from the waist. Police officers then hung her up with her hands cuffed. While her whole body was hanging in the air by a rope tied to the handcuffs, some officers kicked her.

The next day, Ms. Wang was transferred to the Tiefeng No. 1 Middle Level Armed Police Unit where she underwent electric shock torture for more than half an hour. Police officers wrapped electric wires around her thumbs and let electricity flow through the wires. The shocks damaged Ms. Wang's heart and her whole body shuddered; her legs were injured and her hands were swollen and deformed. Her arms became numb and she had difficulty breathing. A serious blood shortage was detected in Ms. Wang's heart muscles. The main perpetrator in this incident was Sun Yanbin.

Two days later on April 18, Ms. Wang was put into the city detention centre and sentenced to eight years in prison. On March 7 of 2003, Ms. Wang was transferred to the Heilongjiang Women's Prison in Harbin City. Certain prison guards carried out random physical abuse on Dafa practitioners held in the prison. Practitioners complained about the abuse to the on-site prison monitoring officials, but no one solved the problem. Practitioners were not allowed to speak to each other. The prison also asked the criminal inmates to monitor and spy on practitioners' daily activities. Dafa practitioners in the prison were thus tortured both mentally and physically.

On September 6, 2003, Ms. Wang was forced to squat for three days and three nights. She was not allowed to sleep throughout those three days. Then her hands were tied behind her back and she was hung up in the air again. On the fourth day, prison guards started to force Ms. Wang to run in the prison while they beat her with police batons, electric batons, whips or sticks. Ms. Wang was not given enough food to eat and no water at all. Prison guards handcuffed Ms. Wang's hands to the iron window bars. Her heart couldn't sustain the strenuous physical movements, but the prison guards forced several inmates to drag Ms. Wang along on a run.

Ms. Wang was not allowed to sleep at night, and whenever she closed her eyes someone would beat her. Prison guards Zheng Jie and Zhang Chunhua forced inmates to brutally beat Ms. Wang on her face with whips or bamboo sticks. After the beatings, they would pour salt water on the wounds and stab her face with toothpicks. As a result of the torture, Ms. Wang's face was seriously deformed and turned purple. Her face was almost completely covered with injuries from the beatings and stabbing. Ms. Wang's heart rate reached 110 beats per minute. Later she was locked inside a tiny cell for more than forty days with both hands cuffed behind her back the whole time. She was given some corn buns and porridge to eat twice a day.

On March 1, 2004, Ms. Wang refused to put on the prison uniform and was handcuffed with her hands behind her back for half a month. On August 1, 2004, she refused to put on the prison uniform again and didn't respond to a prison roster call. As a result, she was handcuffed behind her back for more than four months. During that period of time, Ms. Wang went on a hunger strike that lasted 64 days. Prison guards force-fed her with milk mixed with large quantities of salt and drugs (some of the drugs caused hallucinations). At night, Ms. Wang had to sleep on the cold hard floor without any bed sheets.

As a result of her being handcuffed behind her back for such a long period of time, Ms. Wang had several heart attacks. The prison guards didn't care to help. They insisted that she was just faking it. Recently, Ms. Wang was forced to carry a harness with her. The prison asked inmates to monitor Ms. Wang all the time. She was also locked in a tiny cell with her hands cuffed. It was damp and cold inside the tiny cell, and she didn't have a blanket to warm herself at night. Since Ms. Wang had heart problems, her life was in a very dangerous state all the time.

Practitioner Ms. Huang Liping is 42 years old. The Tiefeng Public Security Station arrested her on April 15, 2002. Police officer Chen Zhicai and others tortured Ms. Huang by pulling her four limbs apart and handcuffing her hands behind her back in the "Carrying a Sword on the Back" position. On April 16, 2002, Ms. Huang was transferred to the armed police unit where police officers shocked her with electricity the same way they shocked Ms. Wang. As a result of the shock, Ms. Huang had a heart attack.

Later, Ms. Huang was sentenced to ten years in prison and was sent to the Heilongjiang Women's Prison in Harbin City. In May 2002, prison guard Lu Jingping locked Ms. Huang in a room for 24 hours with her hands and feet handcuffed. In July 2003, in order to protest against the persecutions, Ms. Huang refused to respond to the prison roster call and also refused to squat down. As a result, one inmate named Liu Wenge rushed at Ms. Huang and lifted her legs in the air knocking her to the ground. Ms. Huang fell to the ground landing on her back and had a heart attack right on the scene. At the end of November of that same year, prison guards Wu Yanjie and Tao Shuping decided to handcuff Ms. Huang to her bed for four days and nights. Ms. Huang had to sit on the concrete floor. Later, prison guards dragged her outside where they beat her and let her freeze in the bone-chilling cold. On November 28, 2003, all the practitioners in the prison started to shout out "Falun Dafa is good!" in order to protest against the persecutions. Prison guards rushed over and beat the practitioners with electric batons. Ms. Huang was beaten unconscious and fell to the ground. On April 9, 2004, prison guard Qiao Linna handcuffed Ms. Huang and hung her up for four to five hours.

Following is some information about certain organizations and people that are involved in the persecution.

The Heilongjiang Women's Prison
389 Xuefu Road, Nan Gan District
Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
Zipcode: 150069.

Telephone numbers:
The Main exchange: 86-451-86684001, 86668488.
The Director, Xu Longjiang, Liu Zhiqiang: 86-451-86684002 Ext. 3009, 86-451-86694053.

The Heilongjiang Bureau of Prison Management

79 Han Guang Street, Nan Gang District
Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province|
Zipcode: 150080
Telephone: 86-451-6335924.

Every Wednesday, the above bureau director's office opens public telephone numbers for the office: 86-451-86316442, 86-451-86342238, 86-451-86342139.

Chinese version available at

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