On January 12, Denmark practitioners held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese embassy to strongly condemn the criminal acts of escalating brutal repression and killing of Falun Dafa practitioners by Jiang's regime. They appealed to kindhearted people around the world to curb the most heinous state terrorism in modern history.
It has been reported that in the 22 days following up to the 12th January, 20 peaceful and innocent Falun Gong practitioners were killed in Mainland China. It is conceivable that many more people were killed but their names remain unknown. If the world remains indifferent and allows this unchecked killing to go on, the terrorist crimes will surely cause even more disasters throughout the world.
Beginning at 7 p.m., we held a two-hour candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese embassy. Denmark had just experienced a heavy snowstorm. We performed the Righteous Thoughts Meditation and in between, we expressed our condemnation and protest by doing the Falun Dafa exercises.
On January 13, practitioners went to downtown Copenhagen to clarify the truth to the public and distribute the Danish press release. In the afternoon, practitioners continued their peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese embassy.

Source: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/1/15/17759.html
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