Practitioner Liu Yuhe from Jilin Province, Tortured on Tiger Bench and Force-fed Mustard Oil

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Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Liu Yuhe from Huadian City, Jilin Province, was arrested and sent to Jiutai Forced Labour Camp. On July 27th Liu Yuhe's family arrived at Jiutai Forced Labour Camp to visit him. His family made persistent requests to the labour camp director to see him, and were finally permitted a brief visit at 2 p.m. that afternoon, under the condition that no conversation would be allowed between the family and Liu Yuhe, and that the family only could see Liu Yuhe but he could not see them. Since his family wanted to see him urgently, they agreed to these conditions.

Liu Yuhe's family arrived at the labour camp at 2 p.m. in the afternoon, but they did not get to see him until 4 p.m., and it was just for a moment. The visit took place on the second floor of the building, where Liu Yuhe was more than 10 metres away from his family and behind double glass. Liu Yuhe's face appeared waxy yellow and he had lost so much weight that he looked very different from before. The family was not even sure whether he was Liu Yuhe or not. Then he was taken away.

After leaving the labour camp, Liu Yuhe's family decided they still wanted to see him, so they went to the labour camp again the next day. After numerous difficulties, the labour camp finally allowed the family to talk to Liu Yuhe through a phone. It was only then that the family found out about the torture Liu Yuhe had experienced while he was detained in Huadian: after he had been on hunger strike for eight days at the Huadian Detention Centre, prison physician Li Gui and Hongshi Township police station policeman Fong Zhengshan sent Liu Yuhe to the local hospital for force-feeding through a feeding tube. With Li Gui stepping on the thumb cuffs which bound Liu Yuhe's two thumbs behind his back and Fong Zhengshan stepping on Liu Yuhe's foot shackles, a rubber tube was and forced into Liu Yuhe's nostril. Soon Liu Yuhe had blood coming out of his nose. He was force-fed this way until the feeding was finished.

At the National Security Brigade of Huadian Public Security Bureau, policeman Liu Jingji tied Liu Yuhe on the "Tiger Bench" (1) during interrogation. They made Liu Yuhe wear a metal helmet and then hit the helmet with a metal hammer continuously for four hours - this is called the "brain-shaking machine." This type of torture can leave people with severe physical impairment: quadriplegia, mental disorientation, concussion etc. Policeman Jiang Honghai also participated in inflicting this torture.

While at the Huadian Detention Centre, Liu Yuhe was force-fed with six bottles of mustard oil. This kind of torture can result various stomach diseases, stomach ulcers, etc. These tortures inflicted severe physical damage on him.

In addition, Liu Yuhe's motorcycle was confiscated by the Hongshi Township police station, and his mobile phone, camera and money were taken from him without issuing a receipt. Liu Yuhe had been carrying 161 yuan (2) in cash, but policeman Liu Jingji only returned 61.1 yuan to him with no word about the remaining money or the phone.


(1) "Tiger Bench": Prisoners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead without movement for long periods of time.

(2) "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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