Liu Fengmei, female, 35, a worker from Nuerhe Textile Mill of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province.
Zhang Xiuying, female, 30, from Benxi City, Liaoning Province.
Jiang Wei, female, 39, from Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province.
Tian Li, female, 36, lives in Lianshan Region, Huludao City, Liaoning Province.
Dong Guixia, female, 36, from Suizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province.
Xie Baofeng, female, 41, from Longcheng Region, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province.
Miao Limin, female, over 40, from Jinzhou, Dalian City, Liaoning Province.
Wang Manli, female, 35, from Benxi City, Liaoning Province.
Zhang Xiujie, female, over 30, from Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province.
Zhou Qin, female, over 30, Superintendent of the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia. Cell: 86-13940252801.
Li Shuhuan, female, over 40, Director of Team 2, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Sheng Ying, female, over 30, Captain of Team 2, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia. Office Tel: 86-24-89210074 (Ext. 482)
Wang Guangyun, female, over 40, head of Unit 2 of Team 2, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Wang Yanping, female, 30, Captain of Team 1, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Chen Qiumei, female, over 30, head of Unit 3, Team 1, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Zeng Jiao, female, over 50, Director of the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Details of the persecution:
On April 5, 2001, officers Wang Yanping and Chen Qiumei confiscated letters of appeal and letters to families from all practitioners of Unit 3. Captain Wang Yanping said that Falun Gong practitioners were not allowed to write appeal letters and did not have the right to appeal. Meanwhile, they placed Zhang Xiuying under solitary confinement with the excuse that they found Teacher Li's scripture on Zhang's person.
Practitioners of Unit 3 requested to talk with Captain Wang Yanping, but she refused. Starting on April 5, practitioners began to protest. They refused to work, eat or drink. They wrote down 5 requests: "1. Release Zhang Xiuying and end the practice of solitary confinement. 2.Return practitioners' right of appeal and allow them to write appeal letters. 3. Ban the illegal extension of practitioners' detention terms. 4. Allow family members to visit. 5. Ban the torture of practitioners such as beatings and shocks with electric batons."
Captain Wang Yanping didn't pay any attention to the demands. On April 7, she ordered some guards to separate using force those practitioners who were on hunger strike. Some were delivered to the Second Female Forced Labour Camp. Seven practitioners were delivered to Team 2 of the First Female Forced Labour Camp. They were Liu Fengmei, Tian Li, Dong Guixia, Xie Baofeng, Miao Limin, Wang Manli, and Zhang Xiujie. Officers Zhou Qin and Sheng Ying called practitioner Liu Fengmei to their office and said to her, "You don't have the right to appeal. If you want to appeal, do it after you go back home. However, you have no right to speak here." Practitioners Dong Guixia, Tian Li and Xie Baofeng continued their hunger strike to protest. Because Dong went on hunger strike and refused to work, officers Sheng Ying, Wang Guangyun and Li Shuhuan shocked her mouth with an electric batons, causing blisters and swelling. Dong reiterated those five demands to the labour camp. Officer Zeng said that they would not accept any of them. Dong didn't eat or drink for 18 days, until officer Wang Guangyun agreed to allow her to write a letter of appeal. Practitioner Xie Baofeng also didn't eat or drink and refused to work. Police tried to force her to do physical labour. To protest, Tian Li went on hunger strikes intermittently for 5 months.
In mid-April, practitioner Wang Manli requested the right to appeal. When she had just begun a hunger strike, officers Sheng Ying and Wang Guangyun shocked her in the back with two electric batons at the same time. In early August 2001, Liu Fengmei, Dong Guixia and Wang Manli, wrote a letter requesting the release of practitioners whose terms were over and refused to give up Falun Gong. At that time, the policy regarding practitioners who refuse to give up Falun Gong is life-long imprisonment. None of these practitioners would be released if they refused to give up Falun Gong. They got no answer to their letter. On September 2, Liu Fengmei began a hunger strike to protest.
Although Liu was released after her protest, she frequently received threatening phone calls from officer Sheng Ying.
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Liu Fengmei, female, 35, a worker from Nuerhe Textile Mill of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province.
(Picture above)
Su Jing, female, about 50, Superintendent of the Second Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Zhang Guirong, female, over 30, Police of the Second Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Wang Naimin, female, about 45, Captain of the Second Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Li Yulian, female, about 30, criminal of the Second Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Zhang Jie, female, about 30, criminal of the Second Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Details of the persecution:
In early November 1999, Liu Fengmei was beaten by criminals Li Yulian and Zhang Jie, because she was practicing the exercises, At that time, she was very weak because she was on a hunger strike. The two criminals struck her so hard that Fengmei fell to the ground. Li Yulian kicked her on either side of her body with the tips of her heavy boots. She cried out and could not get up. Then she was handcuffed to a bed, so that she could not move. She was taken to an empty room away from people on the third floor, where the door and windows were covered. Zhang Jie stifled her cries by shoving a dirty cloth into her mouth, she then proceeded to hit her, kick her legs, knees and abdomen. She shouted out, and practitioners in cell 2 heard her. They began a hunger strike to protest. Finally, officer Su Jing let Liu Fengmei out of the room.
At 5:00 a.m. in mid-November 1999, when she was practicing exercises, police officer Zhang Guirong and captain Wang Naimin instructed inmates to take Liu Fengmei to an office. She was handcuffed, punched and kicked to the ground. They then fiercely kicked her abdomen. After the beating, police officer Zhang Guirong took her outside and pressed her to the snowy ground. With electric baton dipped in snow, he shocked her and asked, "Will you practice the exercise again?" She replied, "Yes!" Half an hour later, she was taken back to the office. Captain Wang Naimin said, "That was not enough time in the cold." After removing her clothes, they threw her to the ground again face down in the snow, her hands cuffed behind her back. Zhang Guirong and Wang Naiming shocked her head and back with two electric batons at the same time. Later, she was taken outside with her clothes unbuttoned, standing in the chilling wind until noon. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back, bleeding from the beating.
Case 3:
Liu Fengmei, female, 35, a worker from Nuerhe Textile Mill of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province.
Zhou Qing, female, over 30, Superintendent of the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia. Cell: 011-86-13940252801.
Zhou Qian, female, over 30, Police of Team 1, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Wang Yanping, female, 30, Captain of Team 1, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Gu Quanyi, female, about 40, Director of Team 1, the First Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Details of the persecution:
In June 2000, to meet the "transformation quota", the First Female Forced Labour Camp tortured practitioners. Officer Zhou Qian forced her to stand for 5 days, 18 hours each day from 6:00 a.m. to midnight, then to squat for 5 days, 18 hours each day from 6:00 a.m. to midnight. Zhou Qian talked with Liu Fengmei trying to transform her, but she failed. Then Liu Fengmei was taken to an office and ordered to sit on the ground barefoot. Zhou shocked Liu with an electric baton from the arches of her feet to the tops of her legs, her arms, neck, face, and head. Almost every part of the body was shocked. While shocking Liu, Zhou cursed and insulted her. Officer Zhou Qian slapped her face, continuing to shock Liu Fengmei until the baton needed to be recharged. On this occasion Liu Fengmei was shocked for an hour. Her neck was burnt and turned black, and there was a large blister on her right thumb. Then she was confined to a solitary cell and handcuffed to the heater. A former practitioner came to try and persuade her to renounce Falun Gong. That night officer Gu Quanyi talked with her and threatened her, "If you don't write a 'Guarantee Letter' to give up Falun Gong, you will be shocked with an electric baton for one day. If you don't write 'Guarantee Letter' to give up Falun Gong for 10 days, you will be shocked for 10 days. We will stop when you write the 'Guarantee Letter.' Otherwise several electric batons will shock your body at the same time, several times a day. Your captain doesn't know how to strike through acupuncture point. Next time several people will strike your acupuncture point altogether. " Liu Fengmei still refused to write the "Guarantee Letter." The next day she was taken to an office again. Only officers Zhou Qian and Wang Yanping were there. Again they asked her to write the "Guarantee Letter," and again she refused. Wang asked the criminals to bring over the electric batons. She shouted, "Today's batons have the highest voltage and are fully charged. We will use two batons at the same time." They ordered Liu Fengmei to kneel down. They removed her jacket, leaving her clad only in her bra. Both of them began to shock her with the batons. One shocked her neck, while the other shocked her head. Sometimes one shocked her arm, while the other shocked her back. Finally, they began to shock the arches of her feet together. After a long time had passed, Liu Fengmei could not stop herself from shivering. Officer Wang Yanping tied Liu's legs together with rope and put a chair on top of her legs. They shocked Liu's arches simultaneously for a long time. Liu could not breathe normally. Her breathing was very laboured, her heartbeat became faster, and she could hardly stand. While shocking Liu, officer Wang Yanping kept asking her if she would write the "Guarantee Letter." At that time, Officer Zhou Qian's electric baton ran out of its charge. After being shocked for an hour, Liu was thrown into her cell, handcuffed to the heater, forced to stand from morning to night, and denied sleep. Later that night she was uncuffed and slept for a while sitting on the ground. Officer Zhou Qian then went to the cell to shock Liu's face and neck with the electric baton, and she also slapped Liu in the face repeatedly. Five days later, when Liu was released from the solitary cell, her neck was burnt black and peeling. Some skin had also peeled off from her right thumb, and she looked emaciated. At that time she was extremely tense, almost in a trance-like state. Now one year later, she is still slow to do anything.
Case 4:
Liu Fengmei, female, 35, a worker from Nuerhe Textile Mill of Jingzhou City, Liaoning Province.
Ji Li, female, about 30, police of the Second Female Forced Labour Camp of Masanjia.
Details of the persecution:
From October 29, 1999, Liu Fengmei repeatedly went on hunger strikes, and her body was very weak. Policewoman Ji Li was the one who punished her. If she started a hunger strike one day, she was forced to stand that day from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. In mid-November 1999, Liu fainted while standing. She was taken by some criminals to the first floor to be force-fed. Policewoman Ji Li gave her the intravenous drip. Liu moved her hand a little bit, and the needle slipped out of her vein. Police Ji Li slapped Liu's face and asked a drug addict to reinsert the needle. Policewoman Ji Li said, "Just prick at will, as if you were pricking the bottom of a pair of shoes. No need for antiseptics." Because of her numerous hunger strikes, Liu's veins had shrunk. The criminal had to try many times. After the injection, Liu's hand swelled up alarmingly.
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