Inside the Labour Camps
The CCP Rewards Agencies and Individuals for Persecuting Falun Gong
2021-04-22The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has officially persecuted Falun Gong since July 1999. Untold numbers of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained, imprisoned, and tortured.
Finland Resident Recounts Eight Years of Persecution in China
2021-03-28When Ms. Zhu Luoxin fled China to Finland in 2012, she was relieved that she could finally start a new life and reunite with her husband after being separated for eleven years.
Still Struggling with Poor Health from Brutal Torture, 71-year-old Man Arrested Again for His Faith
2021-03-21While Mr. Li Jiankui still struggles with the sequela from a brain hemorrhage due to savage beatings by the police nine years ago, he was arrested again on November 25, 2020, for his faith in Falun Gong.
Deaths and Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Yunnan Second Women’s Prison
2021-01-30The prison adopted cruel measures to destroy the practitioners physically and mentally in an attempt to break their willpower and make them renounce their faith.
15,235 Falun Gong Practitioners Targeted for Their Faith in 2020
2021-01-19While China was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, its ruling party, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), has continued its persecution of Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline also known as Falun Dafa that is based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
Crimes Committed in the Fushun City Detention Centre
2019-08-26Guards in Fushun City Detention Centre torture Falun Gong practitioners mentally and physically in attempts to force them to give up their faith. The following nine Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death while in custody in the Fushun City Detention Centre, which should be held responsible.
Military Doctor Remains Firm in Her Belief Despite Eight Year Sentence
2019-06-20Ms. Wang Weizhen, a military doctor in Liaoning Province, was sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment for practicing Falun Gong. After being taken to the Liaoning Women’s Prison on January 5, 2017, her health deteriorated, and she is currently held in the old and disabled division.
China's Forced Labour Camps and Their Horrors Not Abolished, Just Renamed
2015-02-16Chinese officials publicly announced their decision to abolish the notorious forced labour camp system on January 7th, 2013, according to a December 2013 Amnesty International report. The report also pointed out that this system that had existed for about six decades has not changed its colours, only its identity. For example, Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, one of the most notorious labour camps, was renamed by the Chinese Communist regime to Masanjia Ward of Liaoning Women's Prison. Most of the camp guards were retained and about 50 Falun Gong practitioners are incarcerated in the Masanjia Ward today.
Looking Beyond the Product Label: Filthy Toothpicks Made by Forced Labour
2014-10-15In Wangfangdian Detention Centre in southern Liaoning Province, detainees are made to do forced labour for long periods of time. The products they make include toothpicks in assorted colours, the kind often used in restaurants, hotels, and homes. Detainees here refuse to use these toothpicks, as they were produced in terribly unsanitary conditions. Forced labour in these detention centres peaked between 2000 and 2002, when the Chinese Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong was at its most rampant and a large number of practitioners were detained there.
Brutal “Hang and Cuff” Torture Used by the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2014-04-21The “Hang and Cuff” torture used by the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp of Heilongjiang has a brutal and sinister history. The guards handcuffed practitioners to crossbars in a position where they could neither stand up nor squat. Over time, this position caused excruciating pain. Some practitioners were handcuffed in this way for seven days at a time, and some endured this for over 20 days. The camp has been disbanded but shall be remembered for this torture method.
Torture in Fenjin Forced Labour Camp “Hell on Earth”
2014-04-01Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cui Hongjun was admitted to Fenjin Forced Labour Camp on August 29th, 2011. Guards shocked him with electric batons, made him sit on a small stool, tied him up on a small stool, stabbed bamboo under his fingernails, and beat him. Mr. Cui was tortured until he almost passed out. Since returning home, he often wakes with nightmares in the middle of night. He still has vivid images of being tortured, has splitting headaches, and can no longer can speak clearly. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Cui was persecuted, harassed, incarcerated, and taken to forced labour camps.
Slave Labour Behind Festive Strings of Lights Made in Taiyuan Detention Centre
2014-02-11People around the world often like to use colourful strings of lights to enhance the festive atmosphere when celebrating the New Year and other special occasions. However, most people are probably not aware of how these jolly items are produced: Many of them are handmade by the detainees of the Taiyuan Detention Centre in Shanxi Province, where Falun Gong practitioners and others are subjected to daily slave labour.
Two Women Brutally Tortured for Refusing to Renounce Falun Gong: Teeth Knocked Out Due to Force-Feeding
2014-02-01Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Lu Fulian and Ms. Lang Dongyue, both farmers, were brutally beaten and force-fed unknown drugs in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. The force-feeding was so violent that some of their teeth were knocked out. They were arrested and tortured for their belief in Falun Gong. Later, Ms. Lang was sent to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. When she was released in July 2009, she was nothing but skin and bones. She could no longer move her hands, so she could not take care of herself.
Crimes at Chinese Labour Camps Must Be Fully Exposed and Accounted For (Part 1)
2014-01-21Ms. Gao Rongrong was disfigured due to electric shocks at the Longshan Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Ms. Gao was arrested and taken to the Camp in July 2003 because of her belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Gao was captured again in March 2005 and sent to the Masanjia Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. She died on June 16th, 2005. Zhang Sukun, Ms. Gao's mum, over 75 years old, petitioned for justice for Ms. Gao's death and encountered a lot of difficulties and threats. She died five years later.
Falun Gong Practitioners Viciously Tortured at Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp Before it Closed
2014-01-07Authorities at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp escalated their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners between August 2012 and February 2013, just before it was decommissioned. The labour camp used many kinds of torture on practitioners. They forced practitioners to sit on small plastic stools designed for children from 5:00 in the morning until midnight, sometimes even longer. There was little time for sleep. The torture made some some practitioners' buttocks fester. Right before the labour camp finally closed, some captains asked the practitioners they had tortured not to expose their crimes. These vicious perpetrators expressed fear of being brought to justice.