Liu Jizhi, Where Are You?

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My heart sank to the floor when I learned that Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Jizhi had been illegally arrested1 yet again. She had suffered so much humiliation and physical trauma from being raped by a policeman. After the persecutors at the Baoding City Police Department in Hebei Province vowed to find the two rape victims in order to "destroy live evidence so there is no way to verify the facts," Liu Jizhi was arrested again. The arresting agents were from the Hebei Province police, and it happened on March 7th in a laundry room inside the Xisanqi Air Force Science Research Institute complex in Haidian District, Beijing. Liu Jizhi's daughter was arrested along with her. Nothing has been heard from mother and daughter during the past dozen days.

Liu Jizhi, where are you? People are worried about you. After Gao Rongrong's disfigurement from electric shock was exposed around the world, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) arrested Gao Rongrong again and murdered her. Many Falun Gong practitioners who helped Gao Rongrong were savagely tortured and sent to labour camps. Recently, the bloody dark facts about the Sujiatun Concentration Camp have repeatedly been brought to light, and the demon nature of the CCP is now more obvious than ever. People who care about you now have even more reasons to worry about you!

Liu Jizhi, an ordinary peasant woman, became a target of the Jiang Zemin group's brutal persecution, only because she persisted in her belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance.

On November 24th, 2005, Song Xiaobin, head of the Political and Legal Committee of Dongchengfang Town in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province and also head of the Social Safety Comprehensive Administration Committee, along with Chai Yuqiao, deputy head of the Social Safety Comprehensive Administration Committee, led a group of police officers and arrested Liu Jizhi, Han Yuzhi and several other Falun Gong practitioners. They took the practitioners to Dongchengfang Town Police Station, beat and threatened them many times. Around 2:00 p.m. on November 25th, Liu Jizhi and Han Yuzhi were raped by officer He Xuejian at Dongchengfang Town Police Station. Officer Wang Zengjun, who was lying in another bed in the same room only turned several times and watched the rape taking place without doing anything to stop it. Afterwards, Liu Jizhi, Han Yuzhi and several other Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested were each extorted out of 3,000 yuan2, as a so-called "fine."

The rape of Liu Jizhi sent shock waves through the international community. People are shocked by the barbarity and baseness of the CCP, that He Xuejian beat and raped a woman of similar age as his mother. Liu Jizhi, who was still suffering pain, said, "I hereby call on all people of conscience to pay attention to the evil crimes that happened to me. If the persecution of Falun Gong does not stop, these tragedies will continue. Right now, I am suffering from the shock of being raped. I feel foggy-minded, and my lower body is in constant pain. If I did not know from Falun Dafa that suicide is a sin, I probably would have already left this world. After being raped, I lost the courage to live, and the confidence to face the world. I only hope the world's people will wake up. I wish this persecution to end soon, and hope these kinds of crimes will end soon!"

Liu Jizhi courageously stepped forward to expose the crime and helped people recognise the brutality of the wicked CCP by exposing her ordeal. People admired her courage and compassion, while the perpetrators were scared to death. From the CCP Central Committee, Hebei Provincial CCP Committee, Baoding City CCP Committee to the Zhuozhou City CCP Committee, the perpetrators schemed by "arresting" rapist He Xuejian due to international pressure, while in fact they protected He Xuejian. On the other hand, they posted a 100,000-yuan reward for the capture of Liu Jizhi, Han Yuzhi and witnesses Wang Helin and Qu Wenting. They also arrested many Falun Gong practitioners in Zhuozhou City and are acting without any restraint.

Liu Jizhi had to live away from home because the debased CCP officials were in pursuit of her. She was forced to endure physical, mental and psychological pain, all by herself, while worrying that the police and 610 Office3 agents would persecute her husband and daughter. She eventually showed symptoms of a nervous breakdown. The CCP exhausted all means and arrested Liu Jizhi on March 7th.

I can't imagine what kind of brutality is awaiting Liu Jizhi, but words from her tortured heart keep ringing in my ears, "I call on all people of conscience to pay attention to the evil crimes that happened to me;" "don't let the voice of justice weaken;" "I only hope the world's people will wake up. I wish this persecution to end soon, and hope these kinds of crimes will end soon!"

Liu Jizhi, where are you now? No matter where you are, the wicked CCP has no right to persecute you. Let's call on all of the forces of justice in the world to support and rescue you!

Related organisations and persons in Dongchengfang Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province:

Dongchengfang Town: 86-312-3790309
Dongchengfang Town Police Station: 86-312-3792206
Chu Chunshui, head of police station: 86-312-3792206
He Xuejian, police officer: 86-13931395275 (Mobile)
Ji Mingyuan, police officer: 86-13784421090 (Mobile)
Wang Zengjun, police officer: 86-13315276536(Mobile)
Li Xuepeng, police officer: 86-13785263513 (Mobile)

Chai Yuqiao, deputy head of the Social Safety Comprehensive Administration Committee under the 610 Office: 86-312-3796310 (Mobile)
Wang Huiqi, member of the Social Safety Comprehensive Administration Committee under the 610 Office
Song Xiaobin, 610 Office agent: 86-13803121236 (Mobile)
Dongchengfang Town CCP secretary's office: 86-312-3792106
Head of town: 86-312-3792118 (office)
Yang Shun, CCP branch secretary of Xituan Division: 86-312-3796113

Officials responsible for persecution of Falun Gong in Zhuozhou City:
Li Ming: head of the city "610 Office" and deputy secretary of the city CCP committee, in charge of the Baoding City Legal Training Base, a brainwashing class;
Personnel at the Training Base: Li Ming, Du Yonglu, Gao Xuefei, Zhu Jianhua, Wang Lei, Liu Shuang, Peng Yajuan, Zhao Yinjiu
Zhang Weiqiang, head of the Politics and Security Section of Zhuozhou City Police Department; he lives inside the Zhuozhou City Staff University complex: 86-312-3853255 (Office), 86-312-3829106 (Home)
Zhou Wenjie, Zhuozhou City Police Department: 86-312-3867566, 86-13903125711 (Mobile)


1. Illegally arrested: Contrary to what former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, who initiated the persecution, and the Chinese Communist Party would like the world to believe, practising Falun Gong is NOT illegal in China. Although the Public Security Department issued an unconstitutional set of restraints on the practice at the onset of the persecution in 1999, no laws have been passed by the only legislative body in China, the People's Congress, banning Falun Gong or granting the police the authority to arrest Falun Gong practitioners for practising the exercises or distributing flyers. For a more complete discussion of the illegality of the persecution of Falun Gong, please refer to the article "The Ban on Falun Gong—A Dictator's Whim, Not the Rule of Law". (Variation: "illegally sentenced")

2. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

3. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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