Ms. Tan Xiufen Died from Jumping off a Building After Being Tortured to Mental Instability

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Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Tan Xiufen was 44, and a teacher employed by the Company School affiliated with the East Petroleum Chemicals Corp. Zhong Petroleum Field. She lived in Baise City, in the Guangxi Autonomous Region. On September 28th, 2005, policemen from Tiandong County State Security Division stormed into the campus, ransacked her home, and arrested and detained her in the Tiandong County Detention Centre. In mid February 2006, she was sent to the Tiandong County Hospital. She was dying, very thin, and had an unsteady mind. She could not talk at the time. She had totally lost the ability to take care of herself. On March 27th, 2006, she jumped from the fifth floor of her apartment building, and died at around 2:00 p.m. on March 28th, 2006.

Tiandong County Police Department CCP Director Su Jianzhong (male): 86-776-5225566 (Office); Director Rong Shitan (male), 86-776-5221155; State Security Agents Li Zaitang (male), Su Chengqing (male), Peng Chengyun (female).

Tiandong County Detention Centre: 86-776-5222419 or 86-776-5425053, guards Su Xiutao (female), Huang Shangzhong (male), Zhou Jianhua (gender unknown).

Chinese version available at

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