The Persecution I Suffered at My Workplace, in a Detention Centre, and in a Mental Hospital

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Since July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners, I went to Beijing three times to appeal for Falun Gong. I wanted to speak up for Falun Gong, but I was arrested. I suffered much inhumane mental torment and physical torture at the local police station, in the detention centre, at my workplace, in a mental hospital, and in a labour camp.

I was arrested in December 1999 and sent to a police station where I was detained for two days. They handcuffed one of my hands to the heating radiator. They did not give me a receipt for the money they extorted from me. As I persisted in my cultivation of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance I was once again sent to the local detention centre. Li Feng from the Xingxuejie Police Station locked me up. I was deprived of my personal freedom for 14 days at the detention centre, being locked up in a dirty, small house. I was not given any food or water and was forbidden to go to the toilet.

I was also unlawfully confined to my workplace for four days. I was suspended from my job and not allowed to go home. As a result my son was left at home alone, without anyone to take care of him. No one took care of his meals or took him to school. My husband works on a train. After returning home from work there was no one to prepare meals for him. Furthermore, my workplace leaders constantly threatened him.

As I was repeatedly locked up for extended periods of time I suffered much mental and physical damage and suffered heavy financial losses. I knew I did not do anything wrong for persisting in my cultivation of Falun Gong so I went on a protest hunger strike. That led to additional persecution by people from my workplace. I was sent to the No. 5 Zibo City Mental Hospital by Bai Shufen, Liu Xiaru and my family members who feared implication. I was grossly abused at the mental hospital.

I continued to go on a protest hunger strike, but doctors and nurses at the mental hospital cruelly tortured me. They force-fed me and shocked me with electric batons. Manager Zhao shocked me with electric batons three times. Another male doctor also shocked me with electric baton three times. They force-fed me unknown medications, injected me with unknown drugs, and further shocked me with electric batons. This abuse was carried on for almost two months. As a result, I became mentally disordered and temporarily lost my ability to speak and was overcome with fear. It took me a long time to recover after my release.

After I was released, Li Shaomin and Geng Yuhua from my workplace harassed me over the phone. Li Shaomin threatened my husband and demanded that my husband give up his job to monitor me. My husband could not withstand the pressure and torment. He left our son and me. I was then not allowed to go to work for half a year and earned no income, making finances tight for my son and me.

The third time I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, I was sent to the Wangchun Forced Labour Camp. The labour camp chief, police officer Li Shaomin, Guo Xiumei, and Li Feng from Xingxuejie Police Station were responsible for sending me.

At the Wangchun Forced Labour Camp, we practitioners went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. A male guard beat a practitioner badly. I shouted, "It is illegal to abuse people." The labour camp chief then urged four to five guards to shock my face with electric batons. My face was swollen for seven to eight days, and the yellow pus took a long time to clear. The guards handcuffed both my hands to the door and windows. They also used electric batons to shock a lot of practitioners. Two practitioners were hurt so badly that their limbs were red and swollen. They could not put on their shoes. Another practitioner was handcuffed to the door and windows for many days. Her legs became heavy and swollen. The police also handcuffed her to the "Death Bed1" for many days. Another practitioner was beaten so hard that her face and ears swelled very badly. She could not even open her eyes.

The above is what I witnessed and I experienced. Today I would like to expose the crimes of the persecution for the purpose of bringing the persecution to an end.


1. "Death Bed" torture: A practitioner is tied to a bed with his hands handcuffed above his head to the bed rails, and his legs tied with thin nylon ropes. The rope is then tightly wrapped around the practitioner's body and the bed, from his legs to his chest. The rope is wrapped so tightly that the practitioner has difficulty breathing and eventually loses consciousness.

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