About 10 practitioners gathered outside the Chinese consulate in Goteborg, Sweden, appealing against president Jiangs latest lethal orders to execute Falun Gong practitioners. Many cars honked their horns in support of our protest.
Later we stood in a big Shopping Center giving out flyers about the recent successful TV-broadcasting that clarified the truth for 1 million Chinese in the Changchun area, and also about the orders given to execute Falun Gong practitioners. We had a banner which said: "Don't execute Falun Gong practitioners"
An elderly man said: "I am totally on your side". After talking a while with one practitoners he stood and looked at the banner for a while, and then again said: "I am totally on your side, this is insane!"
Others found it strange that this could be forbidden. Some young students thought it was insane to execute people just for telling the truth.
We wish to extend our deepest respect to the practitioners in Changchun who succeeded in revealing the truth to so many Chinese citizens.
Swedish Practitioners Opposite the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg

Clarifying the Truth at a Swedish Shopping Centre
Reported by Practitioners in Gothenburg, Sweden
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