Qingdao City Practitioner Ms. Zhou Aiying's Daughter Longs For Her Mum

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Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Aiying from Shuangbu Village, under the jurisdiction of the Liuting Street Administration Office in Chengyan District, Qingdao City, started to practise Falun Dafa on December 29th, 1998. Before that, she had encountered many kinds of illnesses and couldn't do housework. She would feel a lot of pain in her whole body even if she just did a bit of housework. In 1996, her husband committed suicide because his business failed and he had encountered some bad people. Ms. Zhou, who was weak and with many illnesses, lived with her two daughters, one 12 and the other under 2.

As Ms. Zhou's elder daughter recalls:

"Before she started cultivation in Dafa, I had to go to school, go to work, and take care of my younger sister. But my mum would still get after me for no reason. Due to the stress of her illnesses and the fact that my dad had committed suicide, my mum became very sensitive and short tempered. In 1998, a friend introduced Falun Gong to her, and Mum started to practise. After learning Falun Gong, my mum became a completely new person. In two months she recovered from all her illnesses and moreover she insisted on abiding by the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" all the time.

"At that time, I did not know much about Falun Gong, but seeing how my mum had changed, I knew for sure that Falun Gong was very good. Mum's health recovered, and her mood became very good. She just seemed like a new person. She took over all the housework and no longer lost her temper at me. She also taught me to follow "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" in my life and to consider others first all the time. Previously, my academic performance was not steady. Because my mum practised Dafa, I also benefited from it. My academic performance stabilised.

"On July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong. In order to speak to people about the facts of Falun Dafa, my mum and several fellow practitioners went together to Beijing to appeal. When they arrived at the Wudi area, they were taken back and monitored 24 hours a day. There were also quite a few people who tried to '"transform1"' her. They wanted my mum to give up her faith in Dafa. At that time, I was in junior high school. It was clearly written in the political science textbook: 'A citizen has the freedom of belief, the freedom of association, the right to peaceful appeal' and so on. So why did they persecute Falun Gong? When a town leader came to conduct the 'transformation,' I asked him about the freedom and the rights that a citizen is supposed to have; that leader had nothing to say in reply.

"On the school's political science exam paper there were questions that slandered Dafa. I didn't even look at the exam paper, because I knew Dafa was good. In one class, the teacher asked me a question that slandered Falun Gong. I said, "I am not able to answer." In a midterm test, there was also a question slandering Falun Gong. I used my pen to strike through that question and answered another question. Under Master's protection, I was admitted to a good high school due to my outstanding test score.

"After passing the monthly test in high school, my academic standing became even better. I had another chance to tell this good news to my mum Once in 2002, three policemen from Liuting Police Station came to my school and asked me about the first time that Mum appealed. At that time, I had not started to practice and also did not know their intent, so I answered their questions. Later I learned that my mum was sent to a forced labour camp for three years. She was imprisoned in the Second Women's Detention Centre in Wangcun, Zibo City. Initially I kept contact with my mum through the mail and told her not to give up, to keep faith in Dafa. At that time I just thought to study well so that my mum wouldn't worry.

"One time, Mum wrote me a letter saying she had 'given up the practice' and asked me to hand in my Dafa books. She said that the detention centre 'was so good.' Somehow that made me cry; I cried because my mum gave up her belief. I didn't know how evil it was in the detention centre They used six electric batons to shock my mum Because it wasn't too long after my mum had started to practise Falun Dafa, she wasn't able to withstand it. She was 'transformed.' She told about this after being released. Because she was 'transformed,' she was allowed to see us.

"One time when I went to visit my mum, she said she had pain in her leg from playing basketball. From then on, I couldn't focus on my studies and my scores dropped rapidly. I recalled that, before practising my mum had had all kinds of illnesses, she often blamed me for no reason, etc. If she had started practising, I would have not been admitted to the good high school. Now we were suffering persecution for believing in 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.' What an injustice!

"In 2002, my mum came home. With the help of fellow practitioners, she also returned to Dafa. Because I had worked so hard since childhood, I had bursitis in my shoulders, a protruding lumbar vertebra plate, and rhinitis. Seeing mum recover from such bad health, I started practising Falun Dafa after taking the college admission test held on June 9th, 2003. One month later my body was completely recovered. I didn't choose to go to college, and instead went to work in the Optic-Electric Machinery Electronic Company. During work I followed 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance' to improve myself. One day in February 2004, after I distributed CDs exposing the persecution to company leaders and staff members, I was dismissed by the company.

"After my mum came back from the detention centre, she worked at the Eighth Branch Factory of the Meigao Corporation. During work she followed the principle of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance' all the time. The people working with her all knew Dafa was good. In the factory, if something was needed, Mum would buy it with her own money. Once she brought a table scale from home to the factory because it was needed. Since the factory makes a drying agent, the environment is extremely dry. The only place to get hot water was very far away from the workshop. Mum spent more than 200 Yuan1 and bought a water heater for the staff to use. After seeing that people had to push their bikes home because of flat tires, my mum bought an air pump for them to use. In this way, she was always considerate of others. The factory placed her name on the 'honour staff' every year."

Ms. Zhou Aiying is still imprisoned in the Third Detention Centre in Qingdao. She has three children at home: the eldest daughter, 22, has no job, and the youngest son and daughter are both 12 years old. (After re-marrying, her new husband took care of the children, but now her husband has also become destitute and homeless.)

Those from Liuting Police Station who took part in the persecution of Ms. Zhou:

Police Chief Lu Weizhong: 86-13969713777 (Mobile), 86-532-87605157 (Home)
Political Chief Hua Chang: 86-13869850975 (Mobile), 86-532-83849805 (Home)


1. "Reform or Transform" Implementation of brainwashing and torture in order to force a practitioner to renounce Falun Gong. (Variations: "reform", "transform", "reformed", "reforming", "transformed", "transforming", and "transformation")

2."Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/8/26/136363.html

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