On the 8th and 10th of September 2006, the EU-China summit was held in the Finnish capital Helsinki. Thirty six heads of state from Asian and European countries, together with over two thousand journalists, were present at the summit. Falun Gong practitioners from thirteen countries in Europe and two Nordic countries also gathered in Helsinki to expose the unprecedented atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist regime against Falun Gong practitioners in China. At the Helsinki train station and Esplanade Park, Falun Gong practitioners organised the live enactment and poster displays of the regime’s organ harvesting from live people and torture methods used in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. They appealed to all governments and people to help ending the regime’s persecution of Falun Gong.
At 11:00am on the 8th of September, Falun Gong practitioners, who just finished their protest at the Chinese Embassy, came to the Helsinki train station to set up an exhibition. Finnish Member of Parliament and Chairwoman of the Green Party Tarja Cronberg came to the site. She warmly talked to practitioners and said that she has seen the peaceful efforts of Falun Gong practitioners and supports practitioners’ actions in stopping the persecution. Practitioners thanked her for her support.
In the Esplanade Park, the peaceful and beautiful demonstration of Falun Gong exercises attracted the attentions of tourists and security police. It formed a great contrast to the live enactment of the CCP organ harvesting from live people and torture against Falun Gong practitioners. Many people raised questions: why does the Chinese Communist regime want to suppress and persecute such beautiful exercises? What could we do to help you? Practitioners introduced the editorial of the Epoch Times “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” to them and told people that by reading the “Nine Commentaries” they will learn the evil nature of the Communist Party and know the reason behind the persecution. The biggest help is to inform the on-going brutal persecution of the Falun Gong in China to people around you, your MP, government officials and the media. Many people said they would do so.
At the Helsinki train station, passers-bys were shocked by the exhibition exposing the bloody persecution. They stopped to read the posters. Many of them signed the petition to show their support. Even the rain didn’t affect kind people’s support to Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners erected a plastic cover to help people who came to sign petition from getting wet.
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