Mr. Guan Mingde from Changchun City, Jilin Province, Died of Injury at Hands of Police in 2001

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Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Guan Mingde from Changchun City, Jilin Province was tortured to death at the age of 38 in February 2001.

Mr. Guan Mingde had a master's degree, and was employed as the Electronic Education Research Department Chairman by the Changchun City Armoured Forces Institute of Technology. As a colonel, he was awarded with the honour of "Teaching Excellence" from the Army.

Before cultivating in Falun Dafa, Mr. Guan Mingde was physically weak and had several chronic diseases. Soon after he started cultivating he became very strong.

After July 20th, 1999, Jiang Zemin used his authority over the Army to order all Falun Dafa practitioners enrolled in the Army to retire or change to civilian jobs. Mr. Guan was already retired and employed by Northeast Normal University as a technician in the Information Centre. At the end of 2000, Mr. Guan went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. He unfurled a banner that said, "Falun Dafa is good" on Tiananmen Square, and shouted from the bottom of his heart for all his fellow practitioners. He was arrested right away. There were several buses full of arrested practitioners. In order for an elderly practitioner to stay on the same bus with her son, Mr. Guan got on a different bus from his fellow practitioners, and they were all sent to different places.

While being detained, Mr. Guan Mingde refused to cooperate with the police. He refused to report the name of his employer. He was heinously beaten and tortured. The method in which he was beaten is still unknown. There was a large crack on his head and his flesh was split apart, exposing his skull. Within eight or nine days, he was dying. His younger brother, who is from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, heard that he went to Beijing and went there to look for him. He finally found him in Beijing and took him back to Changchun City. The brother had more than one hundred thousand yuan1 cash extorted from him by the police. Seeing Mr. Guan's swollen head, deformed face, and blank look, even the policemen on the train asked, "Why was he beaten to such an extreme?"

With thirteen stitches in his head, Mr. Guan was surviving, but he could not eat or drink any water. He was severely swollen and lived by intravenous injections. He was also suffering from a mental breakdown, and was sometimes unable to recognise his family members.

The Northeast Normal University Administration heard that he practised Falun Dafa and ended his contract. The Affiliated Elementary School refused to enrol his child. Mr. Guan died in February 2001, as a result of the injuries he suffered at the hands of the police.


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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