Geneva, 25th March 2002
After having received the news of the arrest of more than 5,000 Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun city, where a programme exposing the persecution of Falun Gong was broadcast, nearly 200 Falun Gong practitioners immediately gathered together on the Place des Nations opposite the United Nations on 24th March.
The barbaric wave of arrests and murders in Changchun city is without precedent. Nothing anymore seems to be able to stop the bloodthirsty madness of President Jiang Zemin who scarcely two weeks ago ordered that Falun Gong practitioners be killed without mercy.
In Changchun, Falun Gong practitioners who are arrested are now being pushed out of high- rise buildings one after another and then quickly cremated. Their death is then announced as suicide.
Despite the information blockade, the news of thousands of arrests and tens of murders has emerged from Changchun. - a city in a state of siege for two weeks. Two hundred Falun Gong practitioners gathered together at the Place des Nations in memory of those who have lost their lives, despite an icy cold day. They sat cross legged and lit candles in memory. The majority had not even had the time to put on overcoats before coming but they remained steadfast in the windy conditions. Tears of compassion filled the eyes of many people.
Reported from Switzerland
27 March 2002

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