The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, published by The Epoch Times has inspired people worldwide to recognise the crimes of Communism. It has also inspired a grand trend for the “three withdrawals” in mainland China (withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and its affiliated organisations, the Communist Young Pioneers, and the Communist Youth League).
As of today, more than 20 million Chinese people have publicly announced their “three withdrawals” statements on the Quitting-the-CCP web site of The Epoch Times. At noon on April 14th, 2007, people in the Dallas area held a rally in front of the Meihua Shopping Mall in the city of Plano Texas, supporting the 20 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP and its affiliated organisations. They also called for an end to the CCP’s persecution of the Chinese people.
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The Dallas Service Centre for Quitting the CCP, The Epoch Times-Dallas branch, New Tang Dynasty Television-Dallas Correspondent Station, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners (GMR), and local Falun Gong practitioners all made speeches at the rally. They disclosed the CCP’s history of crimes committed against the innocent Chinese people by means of deceit, violent persecution, and killing. They also exposed the CCP’s party culture which centres on atheism and the philosophy of struggle, that has destroyed the traditional Chinese culture, principles, and morality, to the point that morality is degenerated in modern China, and the moral standard is declining rapidly, pushing the Chinese nation towards the very dangerous situation.
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A representative of The Epoch Times discusses how Party culture brings danger to the Chinese people |
Quitting the Wicked Organisations to Guarantee One’s Safety
Mr. Huang from the Dallas Branch of The Epoch Times pointed out that the Nine Commentaries revealed a truth that no one knew before: That the CCP is not only an evil organisation but also an evil spectre in nature. The reason that the evil spectre can survive is because there is a group of people who are willing to be driven by it or have taken an oath to recognise it. Such a group of people manifests as members of the Chinese Communist Party, Youth League and Young Pioneers, the three affiliated organisations.
Mr. Huang said that no one believes that joining the CCP is an honorable thing. Many people think that with the passing of time, their relationship with the CCP has been nullified, but the extent of Communist control over people is beyond their imagination. To free themselves from the evil Communist specter, people must state their withdrawal from the party to thoroughly break away from the control of the CCP.
The host of the rally, computer engineer Ms. Yang, encouraged people to quit the CCP as soon as possible. She said, “As each person quits the CCP, there will be one more future. Upon quiting the CCP one day earlier, there will be safety one day earlier!”
Falun Gong Practitioners’ Persistence in their Belief is Admirable
There was a steady flow of vehicles at noon that came to the shopping mall. When people saw the banners held by people taking part in the rally, they could not help slowing down and carefully reading the content of the banners through their car windows. People walked up to ask for materials and ask questions.
Mr. Wang from the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong practitioners called upon people to be concerned about and rescue Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in mainland China. He said that Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang from Wuhan City, Hubei Province was sentenced to ten years in jail by the CCP regime for refusing to give up his fundamental right - freedom of belief, and persisting in practising Falun Gong. He has been incarcerated in Duanqinkou Prison in Hubei Province for five years. The long-term illegal and inhumane persecution by the staff at the jail has disabled Mr. Zhou Jiangang's. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been subjected to persecution by the regime.
Mr. Wang warned the CCP officials and police who have participated in the persecution of Mr. Zhou Jiangang and other Falun Gong practitioners to immediately stop doing evil. Their evil deeds have been recorded. If they do not correct their behaviour, they will ultimately be punished, and become criminals in history. More than 20 million people have quit the CCP, and more people are continuously quitting. This shows that the CCP’s disintegration and elimination is imminent. Mr. Wang urged those persecutors to see clearly the CCP’s disintegration, and not be buried together with CCP. They should help stop the persecution of Falun Gong, and be quick to quit the CCP and its affiliated organisations.
Ms. Anna immigrated from Shanghai to the US. When she heard news of the rally, she especially came to attend to express her support. When she heard someone talk about the CCP’s inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, she said, “I admire Falun Gong practitioners very much. Though they have been subjected to the Communist persecution, they have still persisted in their beliefs. There are many people practising Falun Gong in mainland China.” She said that a person in her workplace in mainland China practises Falun Gong. The police arrested and detained him on numerous occasions. The police beat him so harshly that they fractured several of his ribs. The injury was severe, but the CCP was unable to change his belief. Anna expressed her esteem for the Falun Dafa practitioners inside China and abroad, and complimented that Falun Dafa practitioners are great.
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