Slowly but surely one perceives signs of President Jinang Zemin’s state visit: during his stay in Germany he is expected to visit Wolfsburg on Friday and spend the night in the VW City.
Falun Gong, a meditation group that is suppressed in China on his [Jiang’s] orders is planning a protest action for that day.
Beginning Saturday, an information event will take place at the C&A store on Porschestrasse. Between 20:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Falun Gong practitioners from all over Germany, primarily from the southern region, will hold public presentations. “Foremost we will raise awareness about the political situation, the persecution and torure [of practitioners] in China,” declared Vitali Uhl, one of the organizers. Likewise, the Cities of Goslar and Berlin will see activities on Saturday. Those two cities are part of President Jinang Zemin’s itinerary.
(Original text in German)
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