To mark eight years since the CCP persecution of Falun Gong began, Hungarian practitioners held a protest on July 20th at the Chinese Embassy in Budapest. Although it happened to be a week day many passers-by stopped and read the posters.
When the police asked practitioners to show their ID, practitioners took time to chat to the officers, explaining why they were appealing on this particular day. Both officers left wishing the practitioners good luck.
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During the few hours that the practitioners were there, many passers-by stopped and read the posters. Practitioners gave them leaflets and explained what Falun Gong is and why it is being persecuted. They were most surprised upon learning that prior to the persecution, the CCP had supported and even financially sponsored Falun Gong events in China and abroad.
A Finnish tourist passing by said that the persecution may be because Falun Gong had become political. The practitioner smiled and showed him photos of practice sites in China and the USA, saying, “The reason behind the persecution is because in a very short seven years, Falun Gong attracted 100 million followers. The Chinese communists feared that this large unified group was going to bring a societal change that would be unbeneficial to their rule.”
The practitioner handed him a quit the CCP flyer and explained that other groups are also being persecuted in China, including Tibetans, Taiwanese, native Uyghur tribes and the Roman Catholic Church and the CCP falsely labels Falun Gong as a sect bent on over throwing the regime.
Another passer-by stopped, read the information and was sad to see that this kind of brutality is happening in the 21st century. He said that there was a similar situation experienced by religious followers back in the former Soviet Union regime. He said that on the surface the Communist leadership presented an image of democracy, while in fact it was a tyrannical dictatorship.
Practitioners later read out a speech via loud speakers to the Embassy. During this many cars slowed down and watched. Other practitioners took advantage of this moment to hand out fliers.
Some Embassy staff came outside during the event to see what was going on. The Ambassador also came out and had a very surprised look on his face while he eavesdropped on practitioners’ discussions with passersby.
During the entire time there had been a Hungarian undercover policeman watching practitioners. At the end of the activity he came out of his car, revealing himself. He wished practitioners the best in their efforts to stop the persecution.
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