On September 7th, 2007, there was a report in well-known Finnish magazine SUOMEN KUVALEHTI. In this report, it talks about how Helsinki Falun Gong practitioners exposed the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party to the Finnish people and tourists from all over the world. It focussed on a protest against the inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, in Esplanade Park on August 18th, 2007. There was also an interview with a Falun Gong practitioner called Sinikka. (This issue of the magazine topic is about the protesters in Helsinki.)
In the interview with Falun Gong practitioner Sinikka, it writes: She said she has never protest before, until seven years ago when she started to know Falun Gong. At that time, she didn’t understand why people who practised Falun Gong would be persecuted. She did not know how to talk to strangers before, but she thought she must do something. A year ago she moved to Helsinki. When she lived in Jyvskyl before, it rained every day during the summer, but she went out to do the exercises everyday, to tell people the truth (the truth that Falun Gong practitioners in China being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party). After coming to Helsinki, she came out to protest more often, every week at the railway station and also the Chinese Embassy. Falun Gong does not regard themselves as active members, but as long as the persecution does not stop, they will not stop protesting. The Chinese themselves should change the present situation; therefore their goal is to tell the truth to the Chinese tourists.
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