GOSLAR/Germany Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance read the proud letters on yellow sweatshirts worn by members of Falun Gong who made their way in a silent protest march through Goslar. They met on Friday, shortly before 3:00 P.M., assembled and walked through the inner city, to the train station. Approximately 60 participants from many different nations carrying banners raised awareness of the already years-old and still ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China, a movement outlawed by Jiang Zemin. They used the occasion of his state visit to drive the message home.
They condemned the torture methods used by representatives of the Chinese government and demanded an end to executions. Millions of people in China embrace this spiritual meditation system. They meditated and performed their qigong movements for several hours at Jakobikirchhof (at Jacobs Church property).
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