Qingdao City, Shandong Province resident Dr. Shao Chengluo is a doctor of Chinese medicine who practises Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong). On June 8th, 2001, he was arrested and sent to Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp for three years because he practises Falun Dafa. While imprisoned, he was cruelly tortured. When his term was up, the Chinese Communist officials extended his term to further persecute him. In May 2006, Dr. Shao was arrested again by the Chengyang City Public Security police and then sentenced to seven years in prison in Shandong Province. There, the perpetrators tortured him, crippling many parts of his body.
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Shao Chengluo |
Dr. Shao Chengluo is a resident of Liuting, Chengyang District, Qingdao City. He is widely respected by his patients and villagers because he is a kind and knowledgeable doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. On June 8th, 2001, he was imprisoned in Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp for three years because of his belief in Falun Dafa. During this period, he was at one time taken to the notorious Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City for so-called "forced transformation1," where guards poured boiling water on his legs, causing serious burns. His term was extended and he was further subjected to persecution before being released on July 15th, 2004.
In May 2006, Dr. Shao Chengluo and many other practitioners were arrested just because former dictator and initiator of the persecution of Falun Gong, Jiang Zemin, went to Qingdao. Dr. Shao was tortured by the Chengyang City prison guards at that time.
On the morning of May 12th, 2006, when Dr. Shao Chengluo was asking for directions at a market, he was arrested by village Communist Party officials Wang Zesen, Yu Peng, and Yu because he had a Falun Dafa lecture in his pocket. Captain Xiao Jitai from Hongdao Police Station, who is active in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners, personally went to pick up Dr. Shao and take him to the police station.
At the police station, Dr. Shao was labelled an "anti-revolutionist" and was thus severely beaten by five local officers and seven United Defence Guards until he lost consciousness. In the afternoon, the guards continued to beat him until he became crippled. Only then was he taken to the hospital to get an x-ray. One military police officer hit Dr. Shao in the face with a long knife, saying, "I'm hitting an anti-revolutionist." The police also stole about 500 yuan2 from Dr. Shao's pocket.
When the officers sent Dr. Shao to the Qingdao City Detention Centre, the detention centre did not accept him, seeing too many serious wounds on his body. Instead, they took him to the Chengyang City Detention Centre for further persecution. During his imprisonment in the detention centre, Dr. Shao went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The detention centre's physician, Dr. Li, said, "[Using] a feeding tube without greasing the surface is okay to punish the hunger strikers."
At the beginning, Dr. Shao was force-fed with a mixture of flour and water once every few days. A bag of milk was added to the mixture after Dr. Shao lost consciousness twice. One time, the perpetrators added raw egg into the flour-water mixture to force-feed Dr. Shao, causing him to suffer from a stomachache later.
Once, when the detention centre's physician was not on duty, detention centre director Liu told criminal inmates to force-feed Dr. Shao. These inmates were: He Zewei (a murderer sentenced to five years), Wei Ke (a murderer, sentenced to 6 years), Liu Yu, and Liu Bo (Lanjia Village). As soon as Liu Yu inserted the feeding tube coated with engine oil, Dr. Shao felt nauseous. Detention centre director Zhuang kicked Dr. Shao in the head with his leather shoe and yelled, "What the government wants is to treat Falun Gong practitioners worse than criminals." Then Dr. Shao was forcefully bound with leather belts, and force-fed with a transfusion bottle.
At the Chengyang Detention Centre, Dr. Shao noticed that all detainees are, if needed, force-fed with medicine used on animals, such as a drug used to treat diarrhoea in chickens.
On July 15th, 2006, Dr. Shao Chengluo was transported to Chengyang City Court for a secret trial. On the evening of July 20th, 2006, the court's ruling was delivered to the detention centre. Dr. Shao Chengluo was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. In front of everyone, Dr. Shao tore up the sheet of paper. Before he could file an appeal, Dr. Shao was forcefully pushed into a vehicle that took him to Shandong Province Prison early the next day.
Waiting in front of the prison gate was Pan Chonglai, who videotaped Dr. Shao going inside the prison. When the officers tried to take Dr. Shao's mug shot, they were unsuccessful both times. Dr. Shao was taken to the prison hospital instead.
Hunger strike to protest torture
Dr. Shao was assigned to the 16th team in the prison-entry squadron. Ten or more criminal inmates took turns torturing Dr. Shao. These criminal inmates were: leader Liu Shujiang, leader Jiang Xuedong, leader Wu Jiadong, leader Yao Yunxia, Liu Jianhua, Guo Laixin, Wang Qiang, Bai Zhixing, Gao Guanfa, Zhang Dianlong, Chen Fengteng, "Big Guy" Zhang, and another inmate named Ge. First, they forced Dr. Shao to crouch so they could insert a piece of round wood underneath his knees. Then they forced Dr. Shao to roll back and forth, and to get up and down. Sometimes, they put a piece of uneven, rugged wood underneath his knees and forced him to roll back and forth. Another cruel torture they used on Dr. Shao was to simultaneously pull out his hair, and eyebrows with their hands.
Under the guards' direction, the inmates force-fed Dr. Shao when he went on a hunger strike. He was forced to sit or lay down on a dentist's chair, with his head and shoulders pressed down, his hands tied and his mouth pried open. One inmate held a tube near his mouth, while others held a funnel and a leather pump, as someone poured hot water into the funnel.
The most vicious inmate, who enjoyed persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, was Zheng Jian. He was well-known to many practitioners imprisoned at Shandong Province Prison. One time, he used a screwdriver in the force-feeding of Dr. Shao, breaking two of his teeth. When Zheng noticed that Dr. Shao was not in too much pain, he would repeatedly insert the feeding tube back and forth to cause more pain. Zheng has broke many practitioners' ribs, including those of Huang Min and Liu Zhongming. He is always heard boasting, "I can tame anybody!" Zheng and another evil inmate Liu Shujiang declared their promise, "We guarantee Shao Chengluo will die in a 'normal way.'"
Practitioner Qian Dongcai from Qingdao City was sent to Shandong Province Prison in early January 2005. He was viciously tortured by Zheng Jian until he could barely breathe. He passed away a couple of months later, on February 4th, 2005.
Tortured to Disability
After being on a hunger strike for four months, and suffering inhumane force-feeding, Dr. Shao's body became extremely emaciated and he was in constant, intolerable pain. One night, he woke up to find that the prisoners had tied him to the legs of a bench.
Seeing that Dr. Shao was still firm in his belief in Falun Gong, the perpetrators continued to torture him by forcing him to kneel on a piece of round wood about two inches thick and 16 inches long on the ground as they put another piece of round wood on the backside of his knees. Then they forcefully pressed the wood together, while another person used a small piece of wood to forcefully rub it against his ribs. Later, Dr. Shao was moved to the edge of a bed with his legs hanging down as the perpetrators used an electric rod to shock his lower legs.
Although he was being viciously tortured, Dr. Shao Chengluo was not moved and continued to hold onto his beliefs in an upright manner. Once, after he regained consciousness, he saw that the perpetrators were tired out from torturing him. One evil person by the name of Wang Qiang was so tired that his mouth was opened wide, as he gasped for air. Seeing this, Dr. Shao shouted out in the quiet night, causing the perpetrators to fear. Those involved in persecuting Dr. Shao were Liu Shujiang, Jiang Xuedong, Wu Jiayong, Yao Yunxia, Gao Guanfa and Zhang Dianlong.
Dr. Shao legs and spine were fractured during the torture. He also suffers from chronic headaches, numbness in the fingers, swelling in the body, and stomach and body pain.
Guard Li Wei instructed criminal inmates Jiang Xuedong and Han Xiaolei, along with other people, to closely monitor Dr. Shao in the 16th team.
Showing no fear when being tortured
Inmate Jiang Xuedong always boasted that he had "transformed" 47 practitioners. He was very cruel to those who refused to renounce their belief in Falun Dafa. Jiang Xuedong would tell new inmates, "You guys can vent your anger on him [Dr. Shao] when you get tired or mad." When no one was willing to monitor Dr. Shao late at night, Jiang Xuedong said, "You guys can only relax after Shao Chengluo signs the guarantee paper3." If inmates were unwilling to be "tough" with Dr. Shao, Jiang Xuedong would give them a hard time. One time, he ordered inmates to shove a bathroom mop into Dr. Shao's mouth while four inmates held him down and two stomped on his feet. Jiang Xuedong would always say, "I can have you killed the minute I give a sign."
Dr. Shao wrote down all of Jiang's vicious activities on a piece of paper, and had it dropped in a "Report Box" with the help of a new inmate. As a result, they monitored him even more. A new inmate named Ren was not cruel to Dr. Shao; so he was punished three times.
When Dr. Shao had been on the hunger strike for nearly 4 months, Liu Shujiang, head of the criminal inmates, brought in a box of instant noodles to induce Dr. Shao to eat and shouted, "When you're not hungry, you can fight against the Communist Party!" At inmate gatherings, he would always shout, "Beat up those 'non-transformers!'" He also boasted that he had the District Mayor Zhang Leguang's support.
On April 17th, 2007, some practitioners shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" Prison guard Li Wei and others were all very frightened, so they threatened inmates Wu Jiayong and Han Xiaolei, "If any practitioner gets out of line, your prison term won't get reduced."
Out of the nine times that Dr. Shao Chengluo's family came to see him at Shandong Province Prison, they were only allowed to see him three times and for only a few minutes each time. Once, after Dr. Shao's younger son passed his college entrance exam this year, he tried to see Dr. Shao before he started school. After travelling a difficult and long journey to Shandong Province Prison, he was denied seeing his father. All information is being blocked by Shandong Prison authorities. Dr. Shao's current condition is not known to anyone, including his family members.
Shandong Province Prison:
Wang Shugui, Deputy Director in charge of Falun Gong practitioners: 86-531-87075536 (Office), 86-531-87075528, 86-531-87075666 (Home)
The 11th Prison District (Prison-entry squadron):
Zhang Leiguang, District Director: 86-531-87075200, 86-531-87072612
Li Wei, Instructor: 86-531-87075200, 86-531-87075325, 86-531-86657816, 86-531-87072680
Currently, there are 18 small teams in the prison-entry squadron that are made up of 10 or more practitioners each. Every small team has a team leader who has one or two assistant leaders. According to the prison system, the team leader and assistant team leader(s) are also members of the "Positive Reform Committee."
Wu Jiayong is the committee chairman responsible for forced "transformation" and brainwashing of Falun Gong practitioners.
Han Xiaolei, Xu Jiayu, Liu Changzheng, and Jiang Xuedong are responsible for their respective small teams. They also take part in the persecution and "transformation" of practitioners.
1. "Reform or Transform" Implementation of brainwashing and torture in order to force a practitioner to renounce Falun Gong. (Variations: "reform", "transform", "reformed", "reforming", "transformed", "transforming", and "transformation")
2. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.
3. "Guarantee Statement": A statement to declare that one is remorseful for practising Falun Gong and guarantees not to practise Falun Gong again, not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.
Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2007/9/13/162590.html
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