It has been a magnificent, glorious ten years since Dafa was first taught to the public. On the occasion of the third anniversary of the April 25th peaceful appeal, 1300 Dafa disciples from all over the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan and elsewhere gathered together to share their experiences in Fa-rectification cultivation and truth clarification.
Today the skies over Boston were clear and filled with brilliant sunshine. The atmosphere of the Fa-conference was both solemn and sacred. During the conference twenty-one Dafa disciples gave speeches, including five Western practitioners who gave individual accounts of their experiences while peacefully appealing in Beijing. Some practitioners discussed the power of Fa Zheng Nian as displayed by the events in Germany during the middle of this month. Some practitioners discussed clarifying the truth to people from Mainland China in various ways, causing many of them to have righteous thoughts towards Dafa and to recognize the sinister, deceitful nature of Jiang's villainous regime. One Canadian practitioner gave an account of his experiences of going back to China to appeal with his wife. He was subsequently thrown in jail illegally for two years, where over the course of his Fa-rectification cultivation, he displayed the diamond-like determination and faith in Dafa.
At 2:45 p.m., when the host announced the presence of our most revered Teacher Li Hongzhi, it was met with thunderous applause. Mr Li Hongzhi once again stressed to everyone the importance of studying the Fa and when Dafa disciples encounter any problem, they should look within themselves and treat others with tolerance, broad-mindedness, and understanding. His short, concise lecture greatly encouraged every practitioner present. Afterwards all of the practitioners present did Fa Zheng Nian together with Dafa disciples all over the world three times.
The conference successfully concluded in a compassionate, harmonious atmosphere at 7 p.m. Through sharing experiences the practitioners realized their great responsibility and mission. As long as the persecution is still ongoing then we must continue to do Fa Zheng Nian and clarify the truth to the people of the world.
Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.cc/mh/articles/2002/4/28/29237.html
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