During the first Friday we went through the two first movements and talked a little about the history of Falun Gong. Many experienced that it was pushing in the feet and how they got warm all over the whole body after practising. One wondered upon the effect that these very simple exercises had. The other Friday was spending on the remaining exercises. We also talked about the persecution in China. Everybody could se how terribly wrong it was.
On the third Friday there were some thoughts concerning the exercises. A person had experienced nausea; one had cried and asked if it was due to the practice of Falun Gong. I said that it couldnt be for that reason. According to my understanding one is affected at different levels. Then she said firmly that she knew that it was due to the practice and that she was going to continue to practise. A girl who participated was at the school as a trainee. It was later shown that she had have over a long time had a wish to participate in an introduction course.
After having practised we watch some VCR-films, among others the staged self-immolation, the 35 Westerners peaceful appeal in Tiananmen Square, and a film about the positive reactions of Falun Gong around the world. The reactions after the VCR-show were rather strong. One wondered how a country can do such a thing to their own people and said that this will most certainly backfire on them. Before we finished we made the decision to get together again before the school breaks up, to practise together.
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